Who will pay a lot, who will pay a little, and who will pay nothing 2024-03-01 15:18:18

The amounts of the ENFIA debts that will be recorded in the liquidation documents will have to be paid either in one lump sum by the end of April this year or in 11 monthly installments, from April 2024 to February 2025.

The vast majority of owners will pay the same amount of ENFIA as they paid in 2023, as last year there was no change in their real estate, and this year none of the tax calculation parameters change for them. However, there are also hundreds of thousands of owners, who will see, this year, changes in the amounts of the ENFIA, which will be recorded on their bills. These owners will mainly be:

1 Those who, during the past year, either acquired real estate by purchase, donation, parental benefits or inheritance, or acquired co-ownership percentages or real rights in real estate (fee ownership or usufruct), or arranged enclosed semi-outdoor spaces that they had converted into main use spaces, or sold or transferred by donation real estate or percentages of co-ownership or real rights in real estate.

For those of these owners, the relevant transfer, gift or parental benefit tax returns were submitted within the second half of 2023 through the myProperty application, the image of their real estate was automatically changed in the e-property register, with the automatic electronic submission of E9 by the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE) itself.

The rest of these taxpayers have until March 8, 2024 to declare to the AADE all these changes in their immovable assets, submitting amending declarations E9 of the year 2024.

Those who declared that in 2023 they acquired real estate or percentages or rights in rem on real estate as well as those who declared that they arranged in 2023 semi-outdoor spaces declaring them now as main use spaces will see this year’s ENFIA bill increased compared to 2023, while those who declared that they sold or transferred real estate or co-ownership percentages or real rights on real estate will see a reduction in the ENFIA amounts that will be recorded in their tax returns this year.

2 Those who will lose their rights to a partial or total exemption from ENFIA this year, due to an increase in their family income above the limits provided for the granting of these exemptions. These taxpayers will pay ENFIA this year increased by 100% or will pay ENFIA for the first time, while in previous years they were exempt.

3 Those who will gain partial or total exemption rights for this year, either due to an increase in the income limits of partial or total exemption from ENFIA above the levels of their annual family incomes or due to a decrease in their annual family incomes below the income limits of partial or total exemption . The increase in income limits may have occurred either because they got married or because they had another dependent child or because they got married and had a child. The decrease in annual family incomes may have resulted from various causes, such as e.g. the resignation from salaried work, the reduction of the net profit of a sole proprietorship, etc. The taxpayers of these cases will pay a reduced amount of ENFIA this year compared to last year or even be completely exempt from ENFIA for the first time this year.

4 Those who owned homes on 1-1-2024, which were insured once morest the risks of fire, earthquake and flood at the same time, for periods of at least three and up to twelve months within 2023. For these taxpayers, this year for the first time a discount of up to 10% applies to ENFIA corresponding to each insured residence.


1 Property owners are entitled to a 50% discount in ENFIA if:

a) The total taxable family income of the tax year, for which the most recent income tax returns were submitted, does not exceed EUR 9,000, plus EUR 1,000 for the spouse and each dependent member.

b) The total area of ​​the buildings that occupied the 1the-1-2024 does not exceed 150 sq.m.

c) The total value of the real estate they owned on 1the-1-2024 does not exceed 85,000 euros for a single person, 150,000 euros for a married person with one dependent child and 200,000 euros for a married person with two dependent children.

2 Full exemption from ENFIA is available to families with three or many children or including people with a disability rate of 80% or more, as long as they meet the following criteria:

a) The total annual net family income of the tax year, for which the most recent income tax returns were submitted, does not exceed EUR 12,000, plus EUR 1,000 for the spouse and each dependent member.

b) The total area of ​​the buildings does not exceed 150 sq.m.

In order to determine the beneficiaries of the above exemptions, the data of the income tax returns of the tax year 2021 were taken into account last year, while in order to determine this year’s beneficiaries, the data of the income tax returns of the tax year 2022, which were submitted last year, will be taken into account (the data of the most recently submitted statements).

Consequently, those of last year’s beneficiaries of the above exemptions who obtained incomes greater than the above income limits during 2022 will either be asked to pay twice the ENFIA, due to the loss of the right to exemption from 50% of the tax, or will be asked for the first time to pay 50% or even 100% of the relevant ENFIA due to their transition from full to partial exemption or due to complete loss of the 100% tax exemption.

On the contrary, those of last year’s beneficiaries who got married or had children during 2022, as a result of which increased income limits for exemption from ENFIA apply to them this year, which exceeded their annual family incomes for the first time, will either pay ENFIA this year reduced by 50% or they will be completely exempted. The same will apply to those who have suffered income losses as a result of which their annual family incomes for the first time fall below the income thresholds for partial or total exemption from ENFIA.

As the value of the property, for the purposes of the implementation of the first paragraph, the value of the reconstruction of the building or buildings is taken, not counting the value of the plot, which cannot be less than 900 euros per square meter. A condition for the application of this is that the insurance covers the previous year with a duration of at least three (3) months. If the duration of the insurance of the first paragraph is less than one (1) year, the reduction of the ENFIA is adjusted proportionally.

Tax on large estates







(in Euro)



Tiered tax Total real estate value Total


0,01 – 400.000 0,00% 0 400.000 0
400.000,01 – 500.000 0,20% 200 500.000 200
500.000,01 – 600.000 0,30% 300 600.000 500
600.000,01 – 700.000 0,40% 400 700.000 900
700.000,01 – 800.000 0,50% 500 800.000 1.400
800.000,01 – 900.000 0,60% 600 900.000 2.000
900.000,01 – 1.000.000 0,70% 700 1.000.000 2.700
1.000.000,01 – 2.000.000 0,90% 9.000 2.000.000 11.700
An exaggeration 1,00%

The calculation scale of the additional ENFIA which is now imposed on each property separately, as long as its objective value is greater than 400,000 euros and only to those owners who have buildings and plots of land within city plans or settlements with a total objective value of more than 300,000 euros.

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#pay #lot #pay #pay



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