Who was Jean-Michel Basquiat, the genius who became the most sought-after black artist in the world

  • Ronald Ávila-Claudio – @ronaldavilapr
  • BBC News World

image source, Getty Images

It was 1978 and Andy Warhol, already an established star at the time, was with art critic Henry Geldzahler at a restaurant in Soho, New York.

A young black man spots them from outside and decides to approach with some postcards designed by himself in his hands. The king of pop art buys him one, his companion rejects the teenager and calls him a brat.

That daring young man of 17 years, named Jean Michel-Basquiat, just three years following the meeting, he would become an important figure of art in the city of skyscrapers. And in less than a decade he would be as internationally recognized as Warhol admired him.

Today, almost 30 years following his untimely death in 1988, he is the most sought-following black artist in history.



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