Who was Carlos Pedro Blaquier, the businessman who died at the age of 95

The businessman Carlos Pedro Blaquier died today in the city of Buenos Aires at 95 years old. This was confirmed this afternoon by sources from the Ledesma sugar company, who chaired for more than four decades.

Blaquier was born in Buenos Aires on August 28, 1927 and was considered in the ’70s as one of the richest and most powerful businessmen of Argentina.

His figure was marked by his participation in crimes against humanity in the province of Jujuy, in what became known as “The Night of the Blackout”.

Between July 20 and 27, 1976, at the beginning of the civic-military dictatorship of Jorge Rafael Videla, it is estimated that there were some 400 people kidnapped, of which 55 are still missing.



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