Who to wish today! – 2024-04-23 15:51:36

Who are celebrating? today April 21 according to the calendar: Saint January the Bishop and Proculus, Sossus and Faustus the Deacons, Bisiderius the Reader, Acutius and Eutychius, Alexandra, Alexia, Alexandra, Aleka, January, Janus, Jani, Phaistos, Phaistus, Phaistina

*Saint January was a bishop in Neapolis, Italy, during the years of Diocletian (284-304) and when Timotheus was prefect in that region.

~In January.
A brave man in January
Aprilius did not see him cut off.~

January together with a very good group of Christian collaborators, which included: the deacons Proculos (or Proclus), Sossus, Faustus, the reader Desiderios, Acutios and Eutychios, fought the holy struggle of virtue and brought many pagans to Christ .

When the great persecution took place once morest the Christians, they were arrested and suffered terrible tortures.

In January they threw him into the fire to burn, but by the grace of God he was unharmed. Immediately, then, he was led to another place, where his nerves were cut and thus he received the crown of martyrdom. On the way to martyrdom, the following incident occurred:

The numerous Christians of Neapolis tried to take it out of the hands of the soldiers in January. He, however, refused and said to them: “Let me, my children, finish the good fight of martyrdom, and I promise you that I will always be the protector of your city.” So it happened.

Neapolis declared him the patron saint of Agios.

In the Synaxari of St. January it is mentioned that a woman named Maximina, who was a widow, had the misfortune of losing her only child.

At one point, while mourning, he regained consciousness for a while and looking up, he saw above the gate of the temple a cloth hanging, on which was painted the image of Saint January.

Then the woman remembered what the prophet Elisha had once done, when he resurrected the son of Somanitis. So since Maximina was moved by divine illumination, she also did the same. In other words, she properly formed her son and then formed the effigy of Saint January.

Afterwards, she adapted the eyes of the image of the Saint to the eyes of her child.

He did the same with the ears, the mouth and the rest of the members. While doing this work, the woman prayed fervently to Saint January, saying: “Servant of God, have mercy on me and resurrect my son, because he is my only child, I have no other.”

And indeed, the Saint heard Maximina’s plea and resurrected her son.

Source: ekklisiaonline.gr

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