Who to replace Mohamed Béavogui at the Primature? Boubacar Herico FOFANA is a best asset!

Libre Opinion : In prolonged stay abroad, the Prime Minister, Mohamed Béavogui, is given for resigning by many observers of the administration and the Guinean political class. Many agree that the head of government has grown tired of always fighting with the hawks (within the CNRD) who torpedo his reform initiatives at the top of the state. And, in view of his replacement as Prime Minister, proposals for personalities who can assume the function of Prime Minister are made here and there to Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, the President of the Transition.

Everyone goes there on their own to designate executives or draw up lists of personalities who might interest the current tenant of the palace Mohamed V. But these lists, as extensive as they may seem, are not exhaustive. This is why I make it my duty to propose Mr. Boubacar Herico Fofana, business marketing specialist and graduate in hydraulic works and rural economy, to be the next head of government.

Boubacar Herico Fofana

Indeed, Mr. Boubacar Herico Fofana is pure product of the Guinean school. This native of the prefecture of Dalaba (in the administrative region of Mamou) holds a diploma in hydraulic works and rural economy from the higher institute of Faranah (in 1976).

In his professional career, Mr. Boubacar Herico Fofana is an accomplished man who has always put his skills and know-how at the service of Guinea. He was an accountant at the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training. And, he is also a great business marketer. He has more than 25 years of experience in this field. Also, he has invested a lot in the Guinean private sector.

Mr. Boubacar Herico Fofana is a fine connoisseur of the administration and the Guinean political backwater. As such, he might be of great use, a real asset, for Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya in the context of the administrative reforms aimed at by the CNRD and to defuse the current tension between the authorities of the Transition and the social and political actors. .

His broad knowledge of the technical needs and public policies of the Guinean State makes Mr. Boubacar Herico Fofana a better choice for the Prime Minister for a good conduct of the Transition led by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya.

Par Bangaly Kanté

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