Who to consult to lose weight and in which cases?

2023-08-15 15:40:00

Which doctor to go to when you want to lose weight?

The doctor-nutritionist, the reference in terms of weight

He is a doctor specialized in nutrition, that is to say that he followed a specialization following these years of study in general medicine. He intervenes in a hospital environment or exercises in a liberal profession and mainly treats diseases related to nutrition such as obesity, diabetes, food intolerances… He can also accompany, in concert with a dedicated medical team, disorders of the eating behavior (TCA): anorexia, bulimia…

“If today, we almost parallel the skills of the doctor-nutritionist with those of the dietician-nutritionist, at a certain time, patients still consulted first the doctor-nutritionist who worked jointly with a dietician for the food part (recipes , portions….)” regrets Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, doctor-nutritionist.

The dietitian-nutritionist specialty

In short: the dietician-nutritionist will of course be indicated to treat weight problems, but his field of action will be limited to dietary advice. And unlike the nutritionist, he cannot prescribe additional medical examinations (blood tests, etc.) or issue medical prescriptions.

The endocrinologist, the medical expert

Have you started exercising, reviewed your meals with balanced and varied recipes and yet you are still not losing weight? The endocrinologist is probably the specialist you need to consult.

The endocrinologist will look for the causes of overweight by tracking down a possible hormonal imbalance, helping the patient in his relationship with food. Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen.

In short, it is the medical expert who will act on the weight as a whole thanks to a complete assessment: behavioral advice, hormonal assessment, adapted diet program, rebalancing of the portions consumed, management of emotions or even an update on the quality some sleep.

Sports coaching or physiotherapy, what is the most effective method to lose weight? Where to go ?

Expert in movements adapted to each morphology, the sports coach can be a precious ally for losing weight while remaining motivated. However, we would not recommend physiotherapy sessions to accompany lasting weight loss: “Indeed, through massages and manipulation, physiotherapy can have benefits, for example at the cutaneous level by promoting the tone of the skin (breaking fatty deposits)” illustrates Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist. To be effective in the long term, its sessions must however be part of a slimming program: balanced diet, regular sports activity, relationship to food, stress management, good sleep…

Weight loss spas, what does it help to expect?

In France, 14 spa resorts offer spa treatments for weight loss: Le Boulou, Brides-les-Bains, Capvern-les-Bains, Castéra-Verduzan, Châtel-Guyon, Cilaos (Reunion), Contrexéville, Évian-les-Bains, Montrond-les-Bains, Plombières-les-Bains, Thonon-les-Bains, Vals-les-Bains, Vichy, Vittel. Above all, the spa treatment offers the opportunity to find a better lifestyle through spa treatments, psychological monitoring and adapted physical activities. As Nathalie Negro, dietician at the Brides-les-Bains thermal baths, explains to the Journal des Femmes: “ In spa treatment, we do not count in lost kilograms, but in percentage of initial weight. Women lose an average of 3 to 3.5% of their initial weight, men 4 to 5%. […] In one year, people can get a loss of 5 to 10% of their initial weightthanks to recommendations and new habits. “For lasting weight loss, the doctor-nutritionist Jean-Michel Cohen is formal: “Beyond these 21 days of treatment, the patient must maintain his good dietary reflexes; keep a daily physical activity so as not to regain the pounds. lost and avoid the yo-yo effect.”

Fasciatherapy, naturopathy…are unconventional practices effective in losing weight?

If naturopathy is for example recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a traditional medicine, and can to some extent help weight loss, it will however remain limited in the sense that the naturopath is not authorized to prescribe medical examinations or medication. Just like fasciatherapy which presents its slimming effects thanks to deep massages targeting the fascias, it will be recommended to remain cautious with regard to these so-called unconventional practices, and to ensure that the practitioner does indeed have certified training.
For the health risks it presents, being overweight should never be taken lightly and deserves medical advice.

Around “slimming” applications

To get help in losing weight, people can also rely on dedicated applications. Several of them offer personalized programs, dietary recipe ideas, sports exercises or calorie counting. For example: Knowing how to lose weight, Silweight, Weight Watchers…

In all cases, the goal should be to avoid initial weight gain, prevent continued weight gain, and achieve good physical and metabolic fitness, regardless of body type. And although today in France, there is a certain medical void concerning the management of obesity and overweight in France (zero public slimming center), prevention must not be abandoned and continue to be do since childhood.

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