Who suggested the dismissal of the army chief and Salameh?

Nicolas Nassif wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: On the eve of the last session of the Council of Ministers on May 20, information reported that the Director-General of the Presidency of the Republic, Antoine Choucair, had brought to a meeting at the Grand Serail with Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Mahmoud Makiya, a proposal to introduce two new clauses to the law. The agenda of the last session is the dismissal of the Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, and the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh. For immediately, Mikati rejected the proposal, and went to his interlocutor by saying that putting it into the Baabda Palace session would force him and the ministers to leave the hall and adjourn the session. That is why the proposal was closed.

On the eve of each cabinet session, Choucair and Makiya coordinate in setting the agenda, according to which the Presidents of the Republic and the government agree. Mostly by phone. The confidentiality of the subject necessitated direct talk. What accompanies this information is that the inspiration for this proposal is the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Representative Gibran Bassil, who is engaged in more than one confrontation on more than one track, face to face with more than one opponent and a political enemy. His first priority is Salameh’s exit from the governorship of the Banque du Liban before the end of the president’s term, as a huge political victory, which stands in the other direction of it. The second time, the army commander lost his foreign, before domestic, chance of attaining the presidency by removing him from his post. It is clear that the fruits of these confrontations will not see the light except through the new House of Representatives, in the elections for the presidency and deputyship of Parliament, then in the government to be formed, leading to the first presidential elections.

Jean Feghali wrote in “Nidaa Al-Watan”: The current leader does not tire and does not tire in his attempts to “stay behind” General Joseph Aoun. He tried this after the events of Qabrshmoun, and he kept trying, until his last attempt was on the eve of the last session of the Council of Ministers, by sending a message to the Prime Minister. Najib Mikati that President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, wants to propose, from outside the cabinet’s agenda, the dismissal of the army chief and the governor of the Banque du Liban, and that the alternative names are ready. There are those who reveal that the demand to dismiss the army commander is Basil’s demand and not the request of the President of the Republic, but whoever the requester is, the request has been rejected. A veteran politician who knows the intricacies and ramifications of the Lebanese political structure, analyzes the background of Bassil’s claims, and considers that the latter “delusions” that he “immunes” key joints in the military, such as the director of intelligence or the director of operations, but he missed that the body of the military institution interacts with each other and utters any foreign body This is what civilians do not know, and this is what was touched by more than one politician, tycoon or defense minister who had an unnoticed passage in Yarzeh. Perhaps the head of the “current” wanted the army commander to be one of those who “pilgrimage” to Bayada, Laqlouq, or Mirna al-Shalouhi, so that he would be one of the “night visitors” of politicians, judges, and general managers who “want something for themselves” in exchange for loyalty.

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