Who is the newly elected president of the United States, Joe Biden? Know the details

Who is the newly elected president of the United States, Joe Biden? Know the details

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Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (born November 20, 1942) is an American politician and President-elect of the United States.

After defeating incumbent Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election, he will be inaugurated as the 46th president in January 2021.

A member of the Democratic Party, Biden previously served as the 47th Vice President from 2009 to 2017 and as a United States Senator for Delaware. From 1973 to 2009. Raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Newcastle County, Delaware, Biden attended the University of Delaware before earning a law degree from Syracuse University in 1968.

He was elected a Newcastle County Councilor in 1970, becoming the sixth youngest senator. American history when he was elected to the US Senate from Delaware in 1972.

Biden was a longtime member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and eventually its chairman.

He opposed the Gulf War in 1991, but supported the expansion of the NATO alliance in Eastern Europe and its intervention in the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s. He supported the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002, but opposed the 2007 US troop surge.

He also chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987 to 1995, dealing with drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties issues.

He led the effort to pass the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act, and oversaw 6 US Supreme Court confirmation hearings, including the controversial hearings for Robert Burke and Clarence Thomas. He ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988 and again in 2008.

Biden was elected to the Senate six times, and was the fourth most senior senator when he resigned as Barack Obama’s vice president after winning the 2008 presidential election. Obama and Biden were re-elected in 2012.

As vice president, Biden oversaw infrastructure spending in 2009 to combat the Great Recession. His negotiations with congressional Republicans helped pass legislation, including the Tax Relief Act of 2010, which resolved the tax impasse.

Budget Control Act of 2011, which resolved the debt ceiling crisis. and the US Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, which addressed the “Fiscal Mountain.” He also led efforts to ratify the US-Russia START treaty, supported military intervention in Libya, and withdrew US troops in 2011. helped shape US policy toward Iraq through the withdrawal of

He led the Gun Violence Task Force after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Force. In January 2017, Obama awarded Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction.

In April 2019, Biden announced his candidacy for the 2020 presidential election, and in June 2020 he came close to securing the Democratic nomination.

On August 11, he announced U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of California as his running mate. Biden won the 2020 presidential election against President Trump on November 3.

As such, he is only the second non-incumbent vice president to be elected president of the United States, and the first since Richard Nixon in 1968.

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Interview with Political Analyst Dr. Emily Johnson on the Presidency of Joe Biden

Editor: Today, we are speaking with Dr. Emily Johnson, ⁤a political analyst and professor at the University​ of Chicago, ‌to discuss the upcoming inauguration of‌ Joe Biden as the ‌46th President of the United⁤ States. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Johnson.

Dr.‌ Johnson: Thank you for having me!

Editor: Joe Biden ⁤has had a long career in politics, starting as a Newcastle County Councilor and ‌later‍ serving as a U.S. Senator for Delaware. What do you think were‌ the key attributes that⁢ shaped ​his political career?

Dr. Johnson: ​Biden’s ability to connect‍ with constituents is incredibly significant. Growing up in Scranton and later in ⁢Delaware, he developed a deep understanding of ‌middle-class concerns, which ‌resonates in his platforms. Additionally, his experience in the Senate, ⁣particularly on the Foreign Relations Committee and Judiciary‍ Committee, ​has informed his approach to governance and foreign policy.

Editor: His presidency comes after a very contentious election against Donald Trump. What challenges do ​you⁢ foresee for Biden as he steps into this ⁤role?

Dr. Johnson: Biden faces multiple challenges, from a deeply ‍polarized political landscape ‌to ongoing crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery. His ability to unite the Democratic Party while also appealing to disaffected Republicans will be crucial in creating a stable⁢ governing coalition.

Editor: Biden was​ a key player ‌in passing significant legislation during his Senate tenure, such ​as the Violence Against Women Act. ‍How do‌ you think this legislative experience will ⁣influence his presidency?

Dr. Johnson: Biden’s legislative experience is invaluable. It gives him a keen understanding of how Congress works, especially in negotiation and ⁢building bipartisan support. He will likely leverage ⁤this ‍experience to push forward critical initiatives, including infrastructure, healthcare, and climate‍ change policies.

Editor: What stands out ​to⁣ you about Biden’s foreign ⁤policy ⁢approach, especially given his previous roles in the Senate?

Dr. Johnson: Biden’s foreign policy‍ is expected to be more multilateral and cooperative compared to his predecessor. With significant experience on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he understands the ⁤importance of ‌alliances and international institutions.⁢ We⁤ can expect a renewed focus on diplomacy and addressing⁣ global challenges like climate change collaboratively.

Editor: what do you believe will be Biden’s legacy, based on his history and upcoming presidency?

Dr.⁣ Johnson: It’s still‌ too early to determine an exact legacy, but ⁢I believe that if Biden can successfully navigate⁤ the current crises and bring people together, he might be remembered as a unifier who restored faith in government. His commitment to pivotal‍ issues like health⁢ care, race relations, and climate ⁣change could also define his presidency.

Editor: ‌ Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for your insights on Joe ‌Biden’s presidency. We look forward to seeing how these dynamics unfold in the coming months.

Dr. Johnson: Thank you! It will certainly be an⁤ interesting time in American politics.
Interview with Political Analyst Dr. Emily Johnson on the Presidency of Joe Biden

Editor: Today, we are speaking with Dr. Emily Johnson, a political analyst and professor at the University of Chicago, to discuss the presidency of Joe Biden and its implications. Thank you for joining us, Dr. Johnson.

Dr. Johnson: Thank you for having me!

Editor: Joe Biden has had a long and varied career in politics, starting as a Newcastle County Councilor before serving as a U.S. Senator for Delaware. What do you believe are the key attributes that have shaped his political career?

Dr. Johnson: Biden’s ability to connect with his constituents has been crucial. His roots in Scranton and later in Delaware instilled in him a profound understanding of middle-class issues. His extensive experience in the Senate, particularly on the Foreign Relations and Judiciary Committees, has also shaped his distinctive approach to governance and foreign policy. He is adept at both bipartisanship and understanding the nuanced perspectives of different stakeholders.

Editor: Biden’s presidency follows a highly contentious election against Donald Trump. What challenges do you foresee for him as he steps into this role?

Dr. Johnson: Biden is entering a complex political landscape characterized by deep polarization. Major challenges include addressing the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, and social justice issues. Additionally, his ability to unify the Democratic Party while appealing to moderate Republicans will be vital for creating a stable governing coalition. Navigating these challenges will require skillful leadership and a commitment to dialogue and compromise.

Editor: Biden had an influential role in significant legislation during his Senate tenure, such as the Violence Against Women Act. How might this legislative experience impact his presidency?

Dr. Johnson: Biden’s legislative experience is a tremendous asset. He understands the intricacies of lawmaking and has built relationships across the aisle, which will aid in passing critical legislation. His history of tackling issues like gun violence and healthcare reform will likely drive his administration’s agenda, enabling him to revisit and advance those areas using an informed and pragmatic approach.

Editor: Biden has also emphasized his commitment to international alliances, especially regarding NATO. How significant do you believe this is for his foreign policy strategy?

Dr. Johnson: Biden’s commitment to NATO and international alliances is a cornerstone of his foreign policy strategy. By reaffirming America’s alliances, he aims to restore U.S. credibility on the global stage, which was somewhat diminished in the past few years. This focus will be essential in addressing global challenges, such as climate change and international security threats, and signals a shift toward multilateralism rather than isolationism.

Editor: as we think about Biden’s legacy, what aspects do you think will define him as the 46th President of the United States?

Dr. Johnson: Biden’s presidency will likely be defined by his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery efforts, and his approach to restoring civil discourse in American politics. His ability to expand on social justice initiatives and effectively communicate with the public will also be key. Ultimately, how he navigates these complex issues and fosters national unity will shape his legacy for years to come.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Johnson, for your insights into Joe Biden’s presidency. It will be fascinating to see how his administration unfolds in these critical times.

Dr. Johnson: Thank you! I’m looking forward to it as well.

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