Who is the longest-serving head of state? – Billiken

Its holder is about to complete 57 years in office.

In Argentinaas in a large part of the republican-democratic countries of the West, the mandate of a head of state The term of office of the president, in our case, lasts four years. It can be extended for another four years, but only if he is re-elected at the end of the first term.

We know, however, that democratic functioning and the appointment of a new president every four years characterize only and system of the thousands that exist in the world. The figure of the Nation-State It varies from country to country; term limits, too. So who has been the longest-serving head of state around the world?

What is the longest-serving presidency still in power?

The longest ongoing presidency is not exactly a presidencybecause the one who supports it is not a president but a sultan. It is about Muda Hassanal Bolkiahthe sultan and Prime Minister of Brunei.

Bolkiah, the world’s longest-serving head of state, has been in power for 56 years and 327 days, having taken office on 4 October 1967. He is part of a dynasty that has held the throne since the 14th century; he is number 29 in the line. He currently holds the head: his rule is the longest in the world still in progress.

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He Head of State of Brunei He performs a number of simultaneous functions in addition to being a sultan:

  • Minister of Defense.
  • Finance minister.
  • Prime minister.
  • Head of the Islamic religion in the country.
Sultan of Brunei, the country's supreme head of state

On the head of the Islamic state: what is a sultan?

The word “sultan“comes from Arabic and historically refers to a ruler or leader, especially in Muslim-majority regions.

The term means “authority” and “government” and is often associated with the heads of state of various Islamic states.

In a broader sense, “sultan” can also imply a person with power or authority, not strictly limited to a political context, since in the Koran The word refers to a moral or spiritual authority rather than ruling power.

Where is Brunei?

The little one State of Brunei remains in East Asiajust above Indonesia and close to Malaysia. It has one of the highest standards of living in the world thanks to its abundant oil and gas reserves.

Bruneians do not pay taxes on their income, and Muda Hassanal Bolkiah periodically allocates land and housing to deserving residents under various government schemes. Members of the royal family, for their part, possess enormous private fortunes.

These are some of the other features of Brunei:

  • Capital – Bandar Seri Begawan.
  • Surface – 5,765 km2.
  • Population – 460.300 personas.
  • Language – Far away.
Brunei royal family during wedding




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