“Who is stealing the show from me?”: The new season starts with an absolute novelty

  • In the new season of the ProSieben hit show “Who is stealing the show from me?” This time rapper Sido, actress Jasna Fritzi Bauer and singer Bill Kaulitz, presenter Joko Winterscheidt try to steal his show.
  • But someone else landed the coup of the evening.
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At just before half past eleven on Sunday evening, a look in two faces is enough to see how the latest episode of “Who is stealing the show?” ran out. Here’s Moderator’s pale face Joko Winterscheidtthere the equally pale but joyful face of Helena.

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Pale because of the nerve-wracking last few minutes, beaming with joy because, as the first wild card candidate, she was able to steal the show from Winterscheidt and will now moderate it herself next Sunday. A novelty and additional proof that “Who’s stealing the show?” is one of the best evening entertainment currently available on TV in Germany.

Because if you can say something about Joko Winterscheidt and ProSieben that the two with “Who steals the show?” had a good hand. Not just because the show has won three German TV awards and a Grimme award, but because they made something good into something better. Basically, “Who’s stealing the show?” nothing more than a simple quiz show, but the production has drilled the quiz principle and made it into something very unique with plenty of absurd variants.

Joko Winterscheidt meets old friends

At least as important for the success was the selection of the guests and here the production had an even better touch. The show openings of Anke EngelkeMarc Forster or David’s plan be remembered, all of whom later enriched the show with their quick wit. You could even cope with Fahri Yardim’s teenage humor last season.

The latest season has been running since Sunday evening and you will see whether the newcomers behind the guessing consoles can not only steal the show from moderator Joko Winterscheidt, but also from their prominent predecessors. Because, just to remind you, that’s what Who’s Stealing The Show is all about. Three celebrities and one wildcard candidate collect points in various quiz rounds, and the last pointer gradually says goodbye. In the final, if you win over Joko Winterscheidt, the last candidate can then take over his show next time, i.e. moderate it.

Singers have the chance to do that this season Bill Kaulitzactress Clear Fritzi Bauer and musician Sido. In addition, there is the said wildcard winner Helena, 26, from Berlin. However, Helena is not that wild (foreign) for Joko Winterscheidt, because the two happen to have a common story, as the moderator tells. Helena seemed familiar to him during the casting and in fact the 26-year-old Winterscheidt once borrowed money for a parking ticket at the main station because he had left his wallet at home.

Helena came to conquer

But Helena didn’t just come to tell this nice anecdote, but to “take that thing off your hands,” as Winterscheidt from Berlin explains. Bill Kaulitz’s ambitions are much smaller: the main thing is not to be the first to go. The singer of the band Tokio Hotel is correspondingly excited. A condition he won’t be able to shake off until his retirement, and that comes faster than you can say “Through the monsoon”. But first things first.

First, it starts like it always does with “Who’s stealing the show?”: with the easy five. These are five questions that can actually be answered without much effort. Actually, but Bill Kaulitz makes advance explanations, should he not be able to answer one of the questions. He only went to school up to the eighth grade, has lived in the USA for twelve years and he still suffers from jet lag.

Good excuses that Kaulitz can use right away. Because Winterscheidt shows a picture of human organs in question one, in which the candidates should recognize the marked organ. Stomach would have been correct, but Kaulitz bets on kidney as well as Jasna Fritzi Bauer. With question two he gets a little help from Been. The capital of Switzerland is being sought and Kaulitz is at least certain that he knows Zurich. Then the rapper asks him: “If in doubt, would you know another city? Write the other down, the chances are higher than in Zurich!” Good tip, because the correct answer is Bern.

Sido: “I shouldn’t smoke weed before the show”

And so a wonderfully chaotic evening begins on Sunday, during which Winterscheidt presents the questions in the most curious forms, typical of the show. Sometimes the candidates have to guess songs that Winterscheidt sings while he is sailing to the ground on a parachute, sometimes the question is on Winterscheidt’s back, so that the candidates have to run after him. Yet another time, Winterscheidt presents the questions within a bingo game. In short, once again the questions and, above all, how they are presented make for good television entertainment.

And the candidates? In episode one, they don’t yet exploit their full entertainment potential. Sido, actually funny and quick-witted by nature, is surprisingly reserved this time, but immediately gives an explanation: “I shouldn’t smoke weed before the show.” Jasna Fritzi Bauer and especially Bill Kaulitz are a bit too over the top to have their entertainment mission in mind.

The most exciting moment of the two comes when Kaulitz and Bauer have to answer a question about being kicked out of the show for the first time. Winterscheidt wants to know how many passenger seats there are in a Boeing 747. Kaulitz guesses 352, Bauer, on the other hand, 364 and is actually right on the dot with this estimate – the first novelty of the show. Wild card candidate Helena should then provide the second novelty.

Helena wins the show as the first wildcard candidate

The 26-year-old diligently collects points throughout the evening. In the penultimate game, in which Sido and Helena have to fill in the gaps in a teleprompter text while speaking, the wild card candidate does not make a single mistake, and so the rapper has to give up. Accordingly, Helena is in the final against Winterscheidt, but things are not going so well at first. The Berliner is quickly behind, but she fights her way back, so that when the score is 4:4, there is a showdown.

Here final presenter Katrin Bauerfeind wants to know: “What was the name of the first dog in space?” Helena writes down “Laika” fairly quickly, but Winterscheidt has to concentrate first: “I want absolute silence now!” He interrupts Bauerfeind and you can see how it works in him. “Oh God, not now!” scolds Winterscheidt when the solution seems to be on his lips, but Winterscheidt is by no means sure. Finally, after much hesitation, he writes down “Sputnik”.

“Either I’m 100 percent right now, but my gut feeling tells me: It’s not right,” Winterscheidt suspects, and when Bauerfeind announces that “Laika” is the right answer, the scene with the pale faces occurs. But after a brief moment of gathering, the defeated presenter congratulates his conqueror fairly. After her victory, she now has a clear mission and is already aware of it: “I urgently need to eat something and then plan a bit for next week.”

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