Who is Paco Rueda, the actor from La Casa de las Flores linked to a fraud trial?

(Instagram screenshot paco.rrueda)

Francisco Rueda, better known as Paco Rueda and famous for his participation in several television and film productions, has been brought to trial for alleged fraud. During a recent hearing, a judge determined that there are sufficient elements to proceed with the case, after reviewing the evidence presented by the prosecution and the arguments of the accusing party’s lawyers.

Alejandro Camacho, also an actor and Rueda’s co-star in the 2004 film “Como si fuera la primera vez,” filed the criminal and civil complaints that resulted in this proceeding. Camacho accuses Rueda of having taken a significant amount of money. According to the complainant, despite multiple attempts to resolve the situation and establish payment methods, Rueda has not made any payments on the debt.

At the hearing, the judge ruled that the defendant will not be able to leave the country and must periodically sign in at the prison, in order to ensure his presence during the trial. If found guilty, Rueda could face a sentence of between six and twelve years in prison.

Alejandro Camacho expressed his frustration with the situation some time ago, saying that Rueda already had both criminal and civil complaints filed against him and called him a thief. In addition, Camacho mentioned that Rueda had not appeared before the Prosecutor’s Office nor had he responded to his lawyers, leaving them “stranded,” according to his statements.

Alejandro Camacho tried to solve the problem (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Paco Rueda, born on April 23, 1994 in Mexico City, has had a distinguished career in the entertainment industry. He participated in the project “El Colombian Dream” in 2005 and in other notable productions such as the Mexican version of “La Boda de mi Mejor Amigo”, “Guadalupe Reyes” and the series La Casa de las Flores. He is recognized for his acting talent, standing out in productions such as El Candidato, La Usurpadora, and Sexo pudor y lágrimas, among others.

Since childhood, Rueda showed an interest in cinema, inspired by the Disney film “Hercules.” His first professional participation was in 2005, as an extra in the film El Colombian Dream, directed by Felipe Aljure.

In 2012, Paco Rueda appeared in Después de Lucía, a film nominated for the Goya Award for Best Ibero-American Film and directed by Michel Franco. Over the years, his versatility and talent have led him to participate in various film and television projects, consolidating him as a renowned actor in Mexico.



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