Who is José Glinski, Tamara Pettinato’s boyfriend who was an official of Alberto Fernández

Tamara Combed is caught in the spotlight following the leak of her video with Alberto Fernandez at Casa Rosada. She is in a relationship with a national deputy from Chubut, who served as an official in the former president’s administration. They publicly revealed their relationship more than a year ago.

This individual is Jose Glinski, who previously held the position of national director of the Airport Security Police (PSA), an organization he joined in 2009 and where he gradually advanced in ranks.

José Glinski: “In Argentina, the intelligence service is not a prestigious place.”

Authoritarians do not appreciate this.

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a vital pillar of democracy. This is why it annoys those who consider themselves the arbiters of truth.

Glinski was born in Commodore Rivadavia and is currently 43 years old. He lived in Israel before returning to Argentina, where he studied Political Science at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA).

In 2023, he was elected legislator for Unión por la Patria, which is now his primary role. Upon assuming his position, he expressed: “It is a source of pride, immense joy, and an even greater responsibility to have been elected national deputy for Chubut.”

It has been reported that within the current opposition space, he has always been politically active, being very close to The Campora, the militant group allied with Kirchnerism and opposing Alberto Fernández—even during his presidency.

The daughter of Roberto Pettinato is typically very private about her personal life. However, she had already publicly acknowledged the relationship through her Instagram account in January 2023, sharing a photo from a romantic getaway with the political leader, where they were seen embracing.

This week, her latest post on the social media platform was dedicated to Glinski, presenting him with a heartfelt message: “I prefer any situation in life with you,” she wrote.

Alberto Fernandez’s video with Tamara Pettinato

In addition to the legal issues that Alberto Fernandez is facing recently—such as developments in the Insurance case and the domestic violence complaint from Fabiola Yanez—a video surfaced showing the host in a light-hearted and relaxed conversation with the former president.

This recording features Petinatto holding a glass of beer, with Fernandez’s voice asking her various questions about their purported relationship.

During the discussion, Fernandez and Petinatto share humorous remarks, and toward the end, the young woman—apparently tipsy—declares, “I love you,” although she hastens to add, “This beer has things inside…”.


Tamara Pettinato’s Viral Moment with Alberto Fernandez

Tamara Pettinato recently made headlines after a humorous video clip featuring her and former President Alberto Fernandez surfaced online. This occurrence coincides with her ongoing relationship with José Glinski, a national deputy from Chubut, who previously served in the administration of the former president. This article delves into the details surrounding this viral video, Tamara’s relationship, and the political landscape in Argentina.

Who is Tamara Pettinato?

As the daughter of renowned television host Roberto Pettinato, Tamara has firmly established her own identity in the media landscape. Known for her reserved nature when it comes to personal life, she has recently been more open about her relationship with José Glinski, which she announced in January 2023 through her Instagram account.

Despite her celebrity status, Tamara prefers to keep her private life away from the limelight, though her relationship with Glinski has attracted public interest. In a recent social media post, she expressed profound affection for her partner, stating: “I prefer any situation in life with you.”

The Infamous Video with Alberto Fernandez

Amidst the legal challenges facing Alberto Fernandez, including accusations related to the Insurance case and a gender violence complaint from Fabiola Yanez, the video surfaced showing a light-hearted exchange between Pettinato and the former president.

In the clip, which has garnered significant attention, Tamara is seen enjoying a drink while engaging in a jocular conversation with Fernandez. Their interplay features amusing remarks, showcasing a different side of both public figures.

Interestingly, during the exchange, Tamara, seemingly under the influence of alcohol, declares: “I love you,” drawing both laughter and surprise. This moment highlights the casual yet impactful nature of public interactions between politicians and media personalities.

Context of the Video Release

The emergence of this video has raised eyebrows, particularly given the current political climate in Argentina. Alberto Fernández’s presidency has been marred by controversy, and the light-hearted nature of this interaction stands in stark contrast to the gravity of the issues he faces. As the public consumes this content, the line between personal and political continues to blur in the social media landscape.

José Glinski: Tamara’s Partner and Political Figure

José Glinski is not only Tamara’s partner but also a significant political figure in Argentina. Born in Comodoro Rivadavia, 43 years ago, he has had a progressive career in public service. He served as the national director of the Airport Security Police (PSA) and joined this organization in 2009, steadily climbing the ranks due to his dedication and performance.

In 2023, Glinski was elected as a legislator for Unión por la Patria. He expressed his excitement and responsibility upon taking his position, stating: “It is a pride, a huge joy and an even greater responsibility to have been elected national deputy for Chubut.

Politically active throughout his career, Glinski has been closely affiliated with La Cámpora, a youth political organization aligned with Kirchnerism, which often positions itself in opposition to Fernández, even during his presidency.

Insights into José Glinski’s Political Philosophy

Glinski has been vocal about his perspectives on national politics. He has remarked, “In Argentina, the intelligence service is not a prestigious place,” indicating his critical view of certain governmental operations and transparency issues within Argentine politics.

Political Background and Achievements

  • National Director of the Airport Security Police (PSA)
  • Former President of the Youth of the Justicialist Party
  • Elected as National Deputy in 2023 for Unión por la Patria
  • Advocate for transparency and reform in public service

The Impact of Social Media on Public Figures

The convergence of Tamara Pettinato’s personal life and her viral video with Alberto Fernandez emphasizes the growing impact of social media in shaping public perception. Today, personal moments can quickly become public discourse, affecting the individuals involved both positively and negatively.

For celebrities like Tamara, this can mean a double-edged sword, providing both fame and scrutiny. The fascination with her relationship with José Glinski ties into a broader narrative about how personal relationships intertwine with political identities in the public eye.

Celebrity Politics: A Modern Phenomenon

As society shifts more towards digital interactions, the lines between celebrity culture and politics continue to blur. Public figures are increasingly using platforms like Instagram to share personal milestones, drawing followers into their lives. This phenomenon raises essential questions about privacy and the role of public figures in modern discourse.

Conclusion: A Unique Chapter in Argentine Politics and Media

Tamara Pettinato’s playful exchange with Alberto Fernandez adds a layer of complexity to the narrative of Argentine politics today. As she supports her partner José Glinski in his political endeavors while navigating her own public persona, it showcases the intricacies of modern celebrity culture combined with political engagement. The ongoing developments in their lives are likely to captivate audiences and fuel discussions in the ever-evolving media landscape.



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