Who is Emereciano Sena, the piquetero leader arrested for the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowksi

2023-06-13 20:44:00

The investigation into the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski, the young woman who was last seen two weeks ago in the Chaco city of Resistencia, continues. Because of her, her ex-partner and her ex-in-laws, both powerful leaders who run a piquetero organization in that province, were arrested. In that sense, Emereciano Sena, father of the main suspect, enjoyed fame and power in Chacobut his figure jumped to the national scene for his alleged involvement in the disappearance of the woman.

The picketer’s life story is compared to that of the leader of Tupac Amaru, Milagro Salawho also had humble origins and managed to build a powerful social organization with strong ties to the provincial government.

A young woman disappeared in Chaco and they suspect that she was killed in the camp of a powerful piquetero leader

Born in January 1964, Emerenciano Sena joined a construction company at the age of 20 as a bricklayer’s assistant. Shortly after, he made contact with leaders such as Aurelio Díaz and Víctor Sampayo. That meeting began his political-social career, since together with them promoted the Naranja Violeta group, an internal line of the UOCRA with which they disputed the union leadership in the nineties.

After passing through Naranja Violeta, founded the MTD General San Martín at a time when unemployment hit hard in Chaco. At the head of this social organization, he installed, along with other unemployed people, the “Dignity Ranch”a wooden and canvas box set up in front of the provincial Government House, located in Resistencia.

Emerenciano Sena began his political-social career in the Naranja Violeta group.

For almost a year the protest continued, from which the first roadblock was created in the province. Thanks to that picket, Sena and his colleagues managed to get some subsidies and social plans to alleviate the crisis. However, the camp was violently evicted, an episode after which the MTD San ​​Martín fragmented into different territorial organizations due to differences regarding what political concept the movement should adopt.

Despite the division of space, Sena remained an important figure and in June 2001, he led the seizure of a stadium in which the then president Fernando De la Rúa was going to lead an act, who was prevented from carrying out the event. That action and the subsequent judicial persecution gave more weight to his figure, before which he was elected speaker on behalf of the Interior in the first National Piquetero Assembly. Added to this, in 2003 he presented himself as a candidate for national deputy, but failed to obtain a seat.

Emenrenciano Sena
In the Sena field they found skeletal remains, blood stains, five million pesos in cash and “other useful elements for the cause.”

With the support of the national government through subsidies, the organization of the social leader began to develop productive enterprises. At first they were plantations in rural areas, but later beekeeping, brick making, and pig and poultry raising projects were added.

After the arrival of Jorge Capitanich to the governorship, the social movement led by Sena cHe obtained some positions in the provincial executive and then he was in charge of developing the “Shared Dreams” plan, led at the national level by the president of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association, Hebe de Bonafini. The complex they were building was halfway finished when the corruption scandal broke out, but it was later completed thanks to provincial funds and was baptized as “Barrio Emereciano”.

Emenrenciano Sena
This year Sena, who was close to Jorge Capitanich, was running as a candidate for provincial deputy.

The “Caudillo del Norte”, as defined in his autobiographical book, always had a very good connection with Capitanich. So much so that “Coqui” himself witnessed the wedding of the marriage between Sena and Marcela Acuna on December 7, 2012.

The piquetero leader, who with the arrival of Mauricio Macri at the Casa Rosada launched the United Socialists for Chaco PartyIt also has a network of schools.

Currently he was a candidate for provincial deputy for the Chaqueño Front, space that responds to Capitanich. However, his application was deactivated due to her alleged involvement in the disappearance of the 28-year-old.

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Both Sena and his wife Marcela Acuña, both candidates in these elections, were arrested for the disappearance of Cecilia Strzyzowski.

Within the framework of the investigation into the whereabouts of the woman, the house of the piquetero leader was raided and there the police officers found some six million pesos, the origin of which was also targeted by Justice, bone remains, stains of blood and “other useful elements for the cause”.

On the other hand, the Chaco governor Jorge Capitanichclose to the social leaders, reaffirmed that he will be “always on the victim’s side to absolutely defend the rights of women.” Added to this, after the arrest of Sena and Acuña, he specified that the provincial State will provide “human and technical resources to assist the Justice.”

What happened to Cecilia Strzyzowski?

Cecilia Strzyzowski’s whereabouts have been unknown for almost two weeks. Because of her, they arrested her ex-partner, after it became known that he had agreed to pick her up the day she disappeared.

The 28 year old was last seen on June 1 in Resistencia, Chaco, when Sena picked her up at a relative’s house to take her to Ushuaia, where Acuña had gotten her a job through her political contacts. Since then, her family has not seen her or had contact with her.

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Cecilia Strzyzowski, the missing girl.

The young woman’s mother, Gloria Romero, wanted to exchange messages and video calls with her but they replied that “her cell phone had broken.” A great-aunt of Cecilia wrote to César to find out where she was. First they told him that he was already in Ushuaia and then that “Cecilia had run away with a lover in Buenos Aires”. Finally, the two phone lines went out.

The missing young woman and the now-arrested man had met through a dating platform in December 2021 and began a relationship that, according to witnesses, was quite complicated because there were repeated fights and a lot of jealousy. This was highlighted by Cecilia’s mother when she appeared before the Justice.

César went out everywhere with a firearm, since he stated that he was politically persecuted; and that he was a person with psychiatric and psychological treatment,” Romero said, adding that her daughter “was afraid of the family environment that surrounds Sena,” according to the media outlet. Northern newspaper. In this sense, he reported that Cecilia had suffered a series of violent episodes in recent months.

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The young woman’s mother said that her daughter had suffered episodes of violence in recent months.

Sena turned himself in this Saturday the 9th and his parents were arrested, suspected of having participated in the disappearance of the woman. The young man had a conspicuous scratch on the neck, for which a medical review was requested. César agreed, but his mother refused because she stated that she had to be in the presence of a lawyer.

A witness close to the Sena contradicted the official version, so Acuña ordered protesters from her space to enter the police station to take over the place and “rescue” the witnessat a time when they threatened to lynch several police officers.

“There is no hope”: the heartbreaking testimony of the family

The mother of the missing young woman assured that “always” had a feeling that “it was going to end badly”. In addition, he lamented the fact that “there is no hope (of finding her alive) anymore.”

“We ask that justice be done, because that is it, so that this does not go unpunished, so that they do not get away with it. It’s too late for my daughter, but not for yours“, he stated in dialogue with TN. “I speak in the past because it is the feeling of a mother and I can assure you that a mother is not wrong. When your mother tells you not to mess with someone, listen to her, love is not worth risking your life,” she added.

Referring to a march that will take place this Wednesday at 8:30 p.m., the woman encouraged the call. “March for Cecilia, honk for Cecilia. There are so many Cecilias and there will be more if we do nothing“, he expressed.

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According to Cecilia’s sister, the authorities informed the relatives that “it was a femicide.”

For her part, Ángela, Cecilia’s sister, assured in statements to C5N that the investigators gave him to understand that the young woman had been the victim of a “femicide”. “They let us understand the worst: that we will not see her again. And that she was a femicide. That was what the authorities gave us to understand, ”he pointed out.

“They were toxic and possessive. At first they fought a lot but they weren’t physical fights,” the woman said. In turn, she recounted that Cecilia “had a bad relationship with his mother” and she explained that her sister he wanted to “get his partner out of his parents’ political movement”.

Added to this, Cecilia’s aunt, who is also Romero’s lawyer, indicated: “I want to report that all the results today were positive to clarify the fact.” In this way, she assured that the cause was labeled as “femicide” and made it clear that “justice will be served.” “I don’t care who is responsible, they are going to pay. Whoever is guilty will rot in jail“, he concluded.


#Emereciano #Sena #piquetero #leader #arrested #disappearance #Cecilia #Strzyzowksi

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