who is Elena Ugolini – The Time

“In agreement with their respective national leaders”, the regional coordinators of Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, Noi Moderati and UDC today announce “their support for the civic candidacy of Elena Ugolini as president of Emilia-Romagna”. This after a meeting “on proposals and programs”, held between the civic candidate – in real life she is the director of the Malpighi private school – and the regional coordinators of the center-right after the one held on Saturday. “We must go beyond ideological barriers to give a new perspective to a region, Emilia Romagna, which for 50 years has seen the same faces and the same apparatus in power. Elena Ugolini is the right person to go further and unleash the best energies of our territory, placing the person at the center, without looking at belonging to a certain party or system”, the joint note by Michele Barcaiuolo (Fdi), Jacopo Morrone and Matteo Rancan (Lega), Rosaria Tassinari and Valentina Castaldini (Forza Italia), Francesco Coppi (Noi Moderati) and Riccardo Bizzarri (UDC).

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“I appreciate and am grateful for the sincere and convinced support that the center-right is showing me. I am a civic member who has launched a challenge that seems impossible to many, but, believe me, it is not so. We must speak to the hearts of people, putting them back at the center of political action and the attention of our Region. We must not be satisfied, there are requests and needs that I am hearing in these weeks that confirm what I already knew, Emilia-Romagna needs a turning point”, Ugolini’s reaction in a statement released by his staff.

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Last night Ugolini gathered his supporters in Bologna at an event that launched his candidacy, which will see as its main competitor the mayor of Ravenna, Michele De Pascale, running for the center-left.

#Elena #Ugolini #Time
2024-07-26 19:05:01



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