Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni remains in the lead among Italians among political leaders with 43% of positive ratings but has dropped by -0.2% compared to the last survey of July 26. This is what emerges from a Dire-Tecnè survey with interviews conducted between August 29 and 30. Antonio Tajani is confirmed in second place, gaining 0.5% and reaching 36.7%. Followed by PD leader Elly Schlein at 31.2% (-0.1) and Giuseppe Conte rising to 30.1%. The M5S president has gained 0.8% of consensus compared to a month ago. Further behind is Lega leader Matteo Salvini at 26.1% (-0.6%). Emma Bonino follows at 21 (-1), Carlo Calenda at 20.2 (+0.2), Angelo Bonelli at 16.3 (-0.3), Nicola Fratoianni at 16.1 (+0.2) and Matteo Renzi at 14.6 (+0.1).

Meanwhile, Fratelli d’Italia remains the leading party, gaining 0.2% compared to the last survey dating back to July 26 and reaching 29.1% of Italians’ preferences. This is what emerges from the Dire-Tecnè survey with interviews conducted on August 29 and 30. In second place, the PD, which however loses more than half a point (-0.6%) and stands at 24%. On the lowest step of the podium, tied, Forza Italia and M5s. Both parties are gaining ground compared to about a month ago: +0.5% for the Azzurri, +0.8% for the Pentastellati. The League is falling, not going beyond 8.3% (-0.2%) and Avs, stuck at 6.2% (-0.5%). Azione, Iv and + Europa close the ranking, respectively at 2.8%, 2% and 1.9%.
#polls #Tempo
2024-09-02 04:17:15