Who could represent Democrats and Republicans in 2024?

With the position of President Joe Biden, who is still uncertain if he will run again in 2024, and the loss of support for Donald Trump, we could see an election campaign in 2024 with two new candidates.

Among the Republicans, several candidates are waiting to see if the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, will run again.

“If Trump is not there, it’s as if a highway and a boulevard were opening up to a pack of candidates,” said Guillaume Lavoie.

The situation is similar for the Democratic Party, while Joe Biden has cast doubt on the possibility of seeking a second term in the White House.

Even though the governor of California has mentioned not wanting to run, he could become a good candidate according to this expert.

Gavin Newsom: “Campaigning in the United States is also about raising money and when you are governor of California, where the biggest financiers of the Democratic Party are, it is sure that Governor Newsome, even if he says he won’t run, he’s a gigantic candidate,” he said.

See all the information in the video above.

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