2021-12-01 09:00:00
The tobacco, coffee, red wine or other foods can change the color of teeth in the long term. Before performing tooth whitening, many people turn to whitening toothpaste in order to regain a brighter smile. While they cannot change the natural color of the teeth, whitening toothpastes erase the yellowish discoloration of the teeth more effectively than a conventional toothpaste.
Can toothpaste whiten teeth?
The polishing action of whitening toothpaste helps to regain the natural color of the enamel following several days or weeks of regular use, according to the importance of the surface colorations. It also makes it possible to prolong the effect of scaling-polishing in the dental practice. But she will not do better, no toothpaste can lighten the color of the teeth.
What are the precautions for whitening toothpastes?
The more abrasive the toothpaste, the more effective but aggressive it is for the enamel, which exposes to the risk of dental hypersensitivity and cavities. In addition, the wear of the enamel makes visible to the dentine, which, it… is yellow! A clue, the RDA (Relative dentin abrasivity), indicates the degree of abrasiveness of a toothpaste on the dentinbut no regulations require the manufacturer to determine or communicate it.
However, we can find the RDA certain references known on the Internet (*for example the sites swissdocu.ch (in French) or froherzahn.de (in German). In the search engine, type RDA toothpastes and the name of the site). For information, and RDA less than 40 (on a scale of 0 to 250) indicates low abrasivenesset greater than 80 high abrasiveness.
What are the most effective teeth whitening agents?
Of the agents polissants facilitate the detachment of dental plaque and erase stains on the surface of the enamel.
Baking soda
The most common are the flintsthe bicarbonate de soude (sodium) or thethe bottom. These ingredients are present in greater quantities in most whitening toothpastes and/or are found there in a form which increases their action, for example due to the size of the grains.
Charcoal can be abrasive
Coal, used for these same properties. ” But no studies show it to be more effective than other polishing agents “, says Dr. Christophe Lequart, while dental erosions have been reported with this type of toothpaste. “Overall, there is a lack of hindsight on their degree of abrasiveness, which calls for caution”.
colored pigments give the illusion of redder gums and/or whiter teeth. Their strengths? An immediate impression of whiteness… but short-lived!
How to properly use whitening toothpaste?
We respect the terms of employment (daily use or not) and we limit ourselves to two or even three months of useespecially if you have sensitive teeth. In this case, a specific toothpaste is also recommended (Elmex Sensitive Professional Whiteness, Sensodyne Repairs & Protects Whiteness).
in case of gingivitis, you can alternate a whitening toothpaste with your usual toothpaste.
If the whitening toothpaste formulation does not contain fluoride, it is alternated with a fluoridated toothpaste.
Avoid whitening toothpastes in children. Even if some can be used from the age of 6, it is better to avoid whitening toothpastes in children because the enamel of their teeth is more fragile.
What are the best toothpastes for whitening teeth?
In addition or not to your usual toothpaste, here are six whitening toothpastes for erase yellow stains and surface discolouration.
Elmex Intense Cleansing, the powerful solution
Count regarding 7 € the tube of 50 ml. A toothpaste developed by the Colgate Palmolive laboratory.
What are its particularities? Designed to eliminate and prevent the appearance of stains, this reference combines silica and alumina, cleaning and polishing, to be used every two days maximum. Amine fluoride (1400 ppm) which promotes the remineralization of enamel. Abrasiveness index not communicated.
In what situations? In addition to your usual toothpaste, in particular to prolong the effect of descaling-polishing in the dental office.
The opinion of the pharmacist: A toothpaste often recommended by dentists but whose powerful action is reserved for healthy teeth! It is only used every other day or even only two to three times a week and it is combined with a classic toothpaste and not with another whitening toothpaste.
GUM Original White, the most complete solution
Count around €4 for a 75ml tube. A toothpaste developed by the Sunstar laboratory.
What are its particularities? It combines a specific polishing agent (Stain Clear active ingredient) and micronized silica particles to erase surface discolouration (RDA of 150 at least indicated by the manufacturer), while preventing their reappearance. This toothpaste contains a good concentration of fluoride (1,490 ppm). Protective agents for gingival tissues are also present (provitamin B5 and vitamin E).
In what situations? For optimal daily cleansing, for example if you are a smoker or regularly drink tea or coffee.
The opinion of the pharmacist: A good whitening toothpaste that also offers anti-cavity protection and takes care of the gums. As a precaution, due to a potentially significant abrasiveness, we limit ourselves to one or two months of treatment.
SuperWhite Original, the essential solution
Count around €4 for a 75ml tube. A toothpaste developed by the Biosynex laboratory.
What are its particularities? A whitening specialist, the SuperWhite brand has removed all controversial substances (titanium dioxide, lauryl sulphate, etc.) from its flagship reference. But has kept its duo of active ingredients, silica and sodium bicarbonate, to optimize the elimination of dental stains (RDA close to 100, communicated by the manufacturer). Fluorine completes the formula (1,455 ppm).
In what situations? If you are looking for a “healthy” reference with a good polishing action.
The opinion of the pharmacist: A good daily formula to eliminate superficial stains. Other advantages include a minty taste that prolongs the sensation of freshness felt and active ingredients that reduce oral acidity, which reduces the risk of enamel erosion and cavities.
Elydium Blancheur, the safe bet for whitening
Count approximately €5 for a 75ml tube (available in a lemon version). A toothpaste developed by the Pierre Fabre laboratory.
What are its particularities? Sodium bicarbonate crystals in a micro-pulverized form provide good polishing power (RDA 88 for the mint version and 103 for the lemon reference, according to the lab). This toothpaste contains chlorhexidine, an antibacterial agent, at low concentration to fight dental plaque.
In what situations? In addition to its usual fluoride toothpaste to perfect the elimination of surface stains. Suitable in case of tendency to gingivitis.
The opinion of the pharmacist: A single “whitening” agent, sodium bicarbonate, but whose galenic aims to increase the action on dental stains. To be alternated with a fluoridated toothpaste, every other or three days depending on your predisposition to cavities.
Buccotherm Blancheur activated carbon, the organic solution
Count around €6.30 for a 75 ml tube. A toothpaste developed by the Odost laboratory.
What are its particularities? A certified organic formula whose polishing action is linked to activated carbon powder (RDA of 56 indicated by the manufacturer). Fluoride (1,450 ppm), zinc citrate, antiplaque agent, and Castéra-Verduzan thermal water, rich in mineral salts and trace elements with soothing properties.
In what situations? If you are looking for a reference to charcoal, complete and organic!
The opinion of the pharmacist: It is rare to know the degree of abrasiveness of a toothpaste, especially when it is charcoal! Moderately abrasive, this formula is less powerful than others… but has the merit of making it known. It also provides complete oral protection.
Signal White Now Gold, for an optical effect
Count around €3.40 for a 75ml tube. A toothpaste developed by the Unilever laboratory.
What are its particularities? No large amounts of abrasive agents in this toothpaste, just hydrated silica for gentle cleaning and blue pigments (patented technology) that “correct” the color of teeth and make them appear whiter. All associated with fluorine (1,450 ppm).
In what situations? For a quick whitening action… but temporary!
The opinion of the pharmacist: The whiteness effect may seem more or less important depending on the person. A use test with 58 people, however, reports an impression of immediate whiteness, superior to that of a conventional fluoridated toothpaste. Note that this reference can be alternated with a more abrasive toothpaste.
#Whitening #toothpastes #effective