by Oliver
on February 5, 2023
in Album
White Reaper play on Asking for a Ride Almost a decade following the band was founded, they are still approaching the inevitable breakthrough with an irresistible knack for catchy tunes.
In addition, this time the metal content between the lines of the traditional field of tension from alternative, indie and punk rock suitable for bubblegum was tightened on the power pop screw.
What in general (and especially Funny Farm) sounds like having Death from Above 1979 following White Reaper-Instructions using a bastard Weezer conceived. And in particular leads to the fact that the introduction alone with the galloping, galloping riff title track Bolzer, the rumbling-gneedling melody celebration Bozo with its great final twist, and above all the pig hard rocking to the sloppy Cheap Trick-Guitar Hero-Perle triumphierenden Instant-Hit Fog Machine should bring everyone on board who has not yet had the quartet from Kentucky on board – and would have to prove to all long-time fans immediately, even at the fourth attempt, that the band’s hunger is far from satisfied.
The compact, catchy snappyness disarms once more with a relay of crisp catchy tunes, which leaves open whether it’s relentlessly infectious Pink Slip or the one that comes along like a souped-up romance oldie Crawlspace offers a more compelling single, while the 80s-affine synth content, which was occasionally increased once more (in Getting Into Trouble w/ the Bosswhich acts roughly as if they had Real Estate a Phoenix-Song recorded, or the dignified driving stomping through the dark wave Heaven or Not) the band is of course extremely good and the bandwidth released suggests a depth that makes the extremely entertaining Asking for a Ride ultimately probably not really has.
And that the finale slows down a little following this show (with the It’s Not Over Yet associating Thorn before Pageswhich gives an outlook on how that Authority Song written by Rivers Cuomo) – also bearable: Asking for a Ride just doesn’t want to get out of my head at all.
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