White March in Comines: Paying Tribute to Youness Allach and Rejecting Violence

2023-08-30 18:00:00

This Wednesday, around 6 p.m., the family of Youness Allach, who died by gunshot during the night from Friday to Saturday in Comines, organized a white march in tribute to the young man.

A lot of emotion on Wednesday evening. ©EdA

Nearly 1000 people took part. The procession, supervised by the police, moved in a respectful silence from the Geuten city where the young man lived, to cross Comines and head towards the parking lot of the MJC, where he was fatally injured.

Around 6:30 p.m., participants left flowers, wrote a few words or released white balloons. Beyond the friendship they had for Youness, some testified to the fact that they participated as a sign of rejection of violence.

The funeral of Youness, born in Menin on November 24, 2002, will take place this Thursday, at 3 p.m., at the covered market.

#people #paid #respects #Youness #Wednesday #night #CominesWarneton #videos

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