White House Official: The U.S. Prepares to Discuss Missiles and Military Exercises with Russia

White House official: The U.S. prepares to discuss missiles and military exercises with Russia (Internet photo)

A senior White House official stated on the 8th that the United States is ready to discuss the missile system and military exercises between the two countries with Russia, and negotiations may take place in Geneva as early as the 9th.

U.S. and Russian diplomats will meet in Switzerland to try to ease tensions. The United States and Europe accused Russia of preparing for a new invasion of neighboring Ukraine.

The official provided some details in a conference call and pointed out that if any promises are equal, “there are some areas…we think there may be progress.”

The official, who requested anonymity, pointed out that “Russia is threatened by the prospect of deploying an offensive missile system in Ukraine… The United States has no intention of doing so. Therefore, if Russia is willing to make reciprocal commitments, this is an area where we may be able to reach an understanding. “.

The official said that Russia has also expressed interest in discussing the future of certain European missile systems in accordance with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), and “we are open to this.”

The source pointed out that in the end, the United States is prepared to discuss the possibility of reciprocal restrictions, imposing limits on the scale and scope of military exercises organized by the United States and NATO, and Russia’s military exercises also accept similar regulations.

But the official also warned: “Before we start the dialogue tomorrow night, we don’t know whether Russia is ready to negotiate seriously and sincerely.” He said that Russia and the United States may have an “initial dialogue” on the evening of the 9th. , And then held a “main meeting” on the 9th.

The source said, “We participate in these meetings with realism rather than optimism.” These will be “exploratory” and will not make firm promises.

The official told reporters in the conference call, “Even when the negotiations were still going on, the Russian media began to report that the United States had made various concessions to Russia. I would not be surprised at all. This is deliberately creating divisions between allies. The attempt is partly manipulated through you.”

According to the spokesperson of the US State Department, US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov will hold talks on the evening of the 9th. Accompanied by the U.S. Joint Staff Operations Director James Mingus (James Mingus), and Russian Deputy Defense Minister Aleksandr Fomin (lAleksandr Fomin).

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