White House: Biden has mild symptoms of corona

After US President Joe Biden was declared infected with the Corona virus yesterday, the coordinator of efforts to combat “Covid-19” in the White House confirms that Biden is fine.

  • US President Joe Biden

Today, Friday, the coordinator of the efforts to combat “Covid-19” in the White House, Ashish Jha, said that US President Joe Biden is “fine,” adding that he was still suffering from minor symptoms of “Covid-19”, as of Thursday night.

In an interview with CNN, Jha said he would check once more on the president’s condition on Friday morning. And he continued, “It’s basically the same symptoms, until ten o’clock in the evening .. (Biden) said that he feels fine.”

On Thursday, the White House announced that Biden tests positive for COVID-19And that he has slight symptoms and will continue to work, but from isolation.

The White House said Biden, 79, the oldest US president to date, is scheduled to hold three online meetings on Friday.

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