While he denies everything, the contract for Dipy to work in Human Capital appeared | The singer had even attached his CV and sworn statement

“There is nothing,” they told this newspaper from Capital Humano. “It’s all a farce,” added David Adrián Martínez, aka “el Dipy,” when asked if he had been offered a contract with the State. That was the official version that, unfortunately, could not do anything when several documents came to light that show that the Executive was thinking of incorporating the singer into the staff that he so criticizes from his Twitter account. In fact, a specific position had already been considered with a tagline typical of bureaucracy: “Advisor on emerging bands,” appears in the official document from the Ministry of Culture that was stopped at the last minute. For further proof, the CV that the popular singer had presented, the certificate of criminal records and the sworn statement that he signed, in his own handwriting, in order to work in the super-ministry of Capital Humano were also known.

The version of the hiring had been spreading throughout Tuesday, but on Wednesday morning, “El Dipy” – a musician turned anti-Peronist activist – came out to deny that version. “I came back from a tour in Misiones, where I did a show, and I don’t know anything. Nobody consulted me. I don’t know what’s going on, or what they might have said,” he mentioned in a radio interview. At that time, the memo in which Leonardo Cifelli, Secretary of Culture, sent to Juan Facundo Etchenique – in charge of Legal and Administrative Coordination – for Martínez to be appointed to Human Capital had not been leaked. The function that he was going to fulfill – and that, on paper, he had already fulfilled since April 1 – was that of being an advisor “on emerging bands.” The amount is surprising: if the designation were to be made, the singer-songwriter would have been paid 1,750,000 pesos a month starting in April of this year, all this while the Government deals another blow to INCAA, by eliminating by decree the screen quota for Argentine cinema.

According to the Casa Rosada, the position of advisor was not the first one that had been considered for Dipy. The organizational chart had planned for him to manage an area linked to social development in working-class neighborhoods. “But he did not meet the minimum requirements to be a national director,” was what they argued after the scandal broke.

Candidacy and silence

Martínez was a candidate for La Libertad Avanza in the La Matanza district, where he is from. And although he was unable to beat the PJ in the municipal election, the singer maintained a high profile, as a result of going to any television program he is invited to, but especially by fulfilling the time quota on Twitter to be highlighted by Javier Milei. There he takes advantage of the opportunity to troll national deputies, unionists, leaders and any other person who defines himself as a Peronist.

It is strange that he has not appeared on his favourite social network in the last few hours. There he could perhaps illustrate why, for him, the offer to work for the State, which Martínez himself accepted by signing the DDJJ and attaching his CV, is “a farce”. At least he would give his version and not the one that some media outlets are letting out according to government sources. “Dipy has a bad record,” they say in Casa Rosada, referring to the complaint for gender violence by one of his ex-partners.

Some personal data were crossed out by this newspaper



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