Which women retire between the ages of 56 and 61? [πίνακες]

It is estimated that of the 200,000 retirements expected this year, around 100,000 insured persons can retire between the ages of 56 and 60-61 not only with a reduced but also with a full pension.

Of the 23 categories of insured persons who can leave before the age of 62, 14 come from the IKA and DEKO-Bank funds with insurance starting before 1993.

The age limits for these categories start from 56.9 years.

From the IKA, 7 categories can receive a pension this year before the age of 62 and they are as follows:

1. Women born in 1966, who had completed a total of 5,500 days of insurance in the IKA until 2010 with a minor child and turned 55 by 2018. With these conditions, they can retire in 2024 for a full pension with the new age limit of 61 years if they have not already retired on a reduced basis.

2. Women born in 1965 who had completed 5,500 days of insurance in the IKA with a minor child in 2011 and turned 52 by 2017. With these conditions, they retire this year with a reduced pension as they reach the new age limit of 58.5 years. A full pension from the same category is received by insured persons who reached the age of 57 by 2018 and have reached the new age limit of 62 this year. Those who turn 57 from 2019 onwards will receive a full pension in 2025, reaching the new age limit of 63.3 years, while they can retire at any time with a reduced one.

3. Women born in 1963 who had 5,500 days of insurance in the IKA with a minor child in 2012 and turned 55 by 2018. Mothers in this category retire for a reduced pension within 2024 with the new age limit of 61st year.

4. Men and women insured in the IKA who complete 10,500 days of insurance, until 2012. With these stamps, they lock the exit for pension at ages below 62. The consecutive insurance is also included in the 10,500 stamps, while the required time can be completed by purchasing 1,200 days of insurance for 2011 and 1,500 days of insurance for 2012.

5. Men and women with 10,500 days of insurance in total, of which 7,500 days of insurance in “heavy”. They retire in 2024 with an age limit of 60 for reduced pension and 62 for full. Those who have completed the required time until 2014, also leave with lower age limits.

6. Men and women with 3,600 days of heavy insurance and 4,500 in total retire in 2024 with an age limit of 62 for full pension.

7. Women who completed in 2010, 2011 and 2012 the 3,600 days of heavy insurance and 4,500 days in total. Insured persons in this category retire at the age of 55, 56 and 57 respectively with a full pension. Of the 3,600 days in heavy duty, 1,000 are required within the last 17 years before applying for a pension. This means that a 57-year-old insured in 2024 with a heavy contribution to the IKA, will have to complete 1,000 days with heavy contributions from 2008 to 2024.

Attention: The same retirement conditions that apply to mothers with a minor also apply to widowed fathers insured in the IKA before 1993 with the assistance of a minor child and 5,500 days of insurance until 2012.

Mother’s pension from 56.9 in the DEKO-Banks funds.

The DEKO-Banks funds can submit a retirement application in 2024 in 7 categories, which are as follows:

1. Men and women insured before 1982 in all Special Funds (DEKO, Banks and Press) who turned 35 years old until 2021. With this condition they leave with an age limit of 61.6 years. If the age of 35 for men is reached earlier (e.g. in 2018) using notional time from military service, the retirement age is reduced to 60.

2.Mothers born in 1966, who had turned 25 in 2010 with a minor child and turned 50 by 2016. They can retire at any time for a full pension with an age limit of 56.9 years that they reached in 2023.

3. Mothers who in 2011 had completed the necessary 25 years with a minor child and completed their 52nd year of age by 2017. They retire with a full pension in 2024 with an age limit of 58.5 years.

4. Mothers who in 2012 had the necessary 25 years with a minor child and completed their 55th year of age by 2018. They retire with a full pension in 2024 with an age limit of 61 years.

5. Mothers of three children who in 2010 had completed the necessary 20 years required by the statutory provisions of their funds, can leave within 2024 without age limit.

6. Mothers of three children who in 2011 had the necessary 20 years of age and completed their 52nd year of age by 2017. They leave in 2024 with an age limit of 58.5 years.

7. Mothers of three children who had completed the necessary 20 years in 2012 even with the purchase of fictitious years and completed their 55th year of age by 2018. They leave in 2024 with an age limit of 61 years.

Will there be changes to the age limits and when?

The pension thresholds will remain unchanged for another two years and will be reviewed again at the end of 2026 based on the evolution of life expectancy for the over-65s as defined by the legislation linking pension thresholds to life expectancy after the age of 65 years old. This means that those who establish the right to a pension before 2027, i.e. until the end of 2026, will not be affected by the changes, while those who reach the age at which they would receive a pension (e.g. 62) within the three years 2027-2030, they will have an increase in the retirement age from 6 to 8 months or even up to 1 year depending on how much life expectancy has increased.

Full pension for mothers from the IKA

With 5,500 days until 2010 and a minor child Age 55 years
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
56.6 years old in 2016
58 in 2017
59,6 in 2018
61 in 2019
62,6 in 2020
64 in 2021
65,6 in 2022
With 5,500 days in 2011 and a minor child Age 57 years
Retirement age in 2016
59,6 in 2017
60,9 in 2018
62 in 2019
63,3 in 2020
64,6 in 2021
65,9 in 2022


Reduced mothers’ pension from the IKA
With 5,500 stamps and a minor in 2010 or 2011
Age 50, or 52 years Retirement age
in 2016 56,9
in 2017 58,5
in 2018 60,2
in 2019 61,10
from 1/1/2020
62 With 5,500 stamps and a minor in 2012
Age 55 years Retirement age
From 19/8 to 31/12/2015 56.6 years old
in 2016 58
in 2017 59,6
in 2018 61

From 1/1/2019


INSURED IN THE IKA UNTIL 31/12/1992. IKA pension with 10,500 marks (and with consecutive insurance).
With 10,500 marks by 2011 (and 10,800 for retirement) Age 58 years
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
58.6 years old In 2016
59 in 2017
59,6 in 2018
60 in 2019
60,6 in 2020
61 in 2021
in 2022 62
With 10,500 stamps in 2012 (and 11,100 for retirement) Age 59 years
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
59.5 years old In 2016
59,9 in 2017
60,2 in 2018
60,6 in 2019
60,11 in 2020
61,3 in 2021

61,8 in 2022

62 Full and reduced pension with burden on IKA
(men – women) With 10,500 stamps in total and 7,500 in “heavy”
Retirement age Full pension Reduced pension
in 2012 56,6 54,6
In 2013 60,9 58,9
In 2014 61,6 59,6

From 1/1/2015

62 60 IKA pension for women in the “heavy”
Year Officially Retirement age limit
Until 2010 4,500 (the 3,600 baria) 55
2011 4,500 (the 3,600 baria) 56
2012 4,500 (the 3,600 baria) 57

From 1/1/2013

4,500 (the 3,600 baria)
62 Full mothers’ pension from DEKO-Bank funds
25 years old and a minor in 2010-2011 Age 50-52
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
55 2016
56,9 2017
58,5 2018
60,2 2019
61,1 2020
63,7 2021
2022 67
25 years old and a minor in 2012 Age 55
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12/2015
56,6 2016
58 2017
59,6 2018
61 2019
62,6 2020
64 2021

65,6 2022

Reduced pension mothers from DEKO-Bank funds
with a minor and 25 years old in 2011 Age 50
Retirement age From 19/8/ to 31/12/2015
55 2016
56,9 2017
58,5 2018
60,2 2019
From 1/1/2020 62
Reduced pension with a minor and 25 years in 2012 Age 53
Retirement age From 19/8 to 31/12//2015
56,6 2016
58 2017
59,6 2018


From 1/1/2019

#women #retire #ages #πίνακες



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