Which universities have all their budget places taken away by the 2024 Olympics – August 14, 2024

2024-08-14 17:10:44

The Ministry of Education and Science has put in place measures to eliminate the situation where a large proportion of university budget places are taken up by Olympic competitors. The department plans to set a quota of 70% of the total number of budgeted places. Report Interfax 14 August.

They will determine quotas by analogy with the number of beneficiaries and target recipients: a percentage of the total number of budgeted places in each direction. The Ministry of Education and Science has pledged to limit the acceptance rate to 70% of applicants without entrance exams. However, this does not mean that 30% is guaranteed to enter the ordinary competition. Previous “Fontanka” details Tell Regarding the priority admissions phase: an additional 10% of places are allocated each year for special places, targeted students and separate places for military personnel and their children. Total – 30%. Therefore, it is still possible that all budgeted places will be taken away in a zero-enrollment wave.

Another measure proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science is to introduce a no-examination admission system only for the winners and prizewinners of the 11th grade secondary school Olympiad and the 11th grade primary school Olympiad winners and prizewinners.

The ministry cited data from the Russian Federal Service of Education, according to which applicants for admission without entrance exams accounted for at least 2% of budgeted places this year. However, in some universities, competitions took it away All places are in the priority admission stage. In St. Petersburg, this situation is encountered at the Higher School of Economics, ITMO and the School of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. Named after Northwestern State Medical University. Mechnikov had only one spot left in the ordinary competition in the direction of “dentistry”, which was occupied by an applicant with 310 points in three subjects.

Also available at reception in 2024 happened Scandal at Sechenov University in Moscow. The Olympiad “Pharmaceutical Industry” has more participants than the allocated budget places. Therefore, the university management decided to recruit the laureates and laureates at the university’s expense.

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