which regions will be targeted –

Keeping your umbrella handy could help you avoid being caught unprepared. “A train of disturbances is arriving towards Italy. Cyclone Boris, which passed over Italy twice between 12 and 20 September, opened the way for other disturbed fronts and brought the end of summer almost everywhere” . This was stated by Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of the website ilmeteo.it, underlining that “the Atlantic Gate is open, indeed wide open, with a low pressure field on the western Mediterranean which pushes unstable currents towards our country. In the next few days we will therefore have a train of Atlantic disturbances that will affect the Centre-North, while the South will heat up intensely: southern currents will bring 33-35°C between Sicily and Puglia by Friday”.

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A train which, he explained, “will be composed of at least 3 wagons, of 3 unstable fronts: the first is passing on the Tyrrhenian side in these hours with new rains in the areas also affected by Monday’s violent disturbance; a second train front will arrive between Thursday and Friday in the North with strong bad weather, while the tail car, the last one, is expected over the weekend, very fast and fleeing towards other destinations, towards the Balkans”. In the next few hours, however, “we will therefore have rain in Lower Tuscany and Lazio, subsequently moving towards Campania and flowing along the western coast. Even in the North we will have some scattered showers close to the mountains, while in the extreme South we will find almost summer with 30-31°C. Thursday and Friday there will be another passage, rather intense, with cold air at high altitude and a lot of rain in Northern Italy: heavy showers are expected, first in Liguria, the Alps and the Prealps, later, especially from Thursday evening, the umbrellas will also open in the Po Valley with the bad weather moving eastwards. On Friday the entire North-East will in fact be hit by intense phenomena, with some widespread showers also in the Centre, in particular between Tuscany and Marche” .

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Friday temperatures will be “bizarre.” According to what the meteorologist anticipated, “in the South we will reach 35°C, in the North we will hardly exceed 20°C with Italy divided into 2, very markedly. Finally, the third carriage of the train is expected over the weekend of disturbances: it will be a very fast north-west front, but capable of causing a significant drop in temperatures also in the Centre-South. On Sunday we will have highs 5-7°C lower than on Saturday, especially where Balkan winds will blow more intense northern weather. In short, a busy period awaits us, with rain but also frequent sunny spells: the new season begins with hybrid characteristics between the African summer heat (still present in the South) and the November climate of raincoats and open umbrellas, especially in the North. “, he concluded.

#regions #targeted #Tempo
2024-09-29 19:01:36



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