The decision, however, has caused strong reactions from the Federation of Associations of Hospital Doctors of Greece (OENGE) and the Association of Hospital Doctors of Athens and Piraeus (EINAP), who point out the problems created by this sudden change.
The doctors express their anxiety, as the daily morning vigil of the hospitals (08.00 a.m. – 02.00 p.m.) is expected – as they say – to bring about an increase in the workload of the already overburdened medical and nursing staff, but also to put endangering the health of patients.
The officials of the Ministry of Health, for their part, are currently avoiding taking a position, as – according to “ET” information – they are waiting for the first encouraging results at the end of the week, in order to respond with data.
Four teams
The new ministerial decision is based on the reorganization of hospitals into four groups, with the change directly affecting the operation of Emergency Departments (EDs).
Officials seek to evenly distribute the volume of emergency cases across hospitals, avoiding the concentration of large numbers of patients in specific nursing facilities.
For example, the “Sotiria” Thoracic Hospital, which was moved from group C to group A, will shoulder more cases on its wards, thus reducing the pressure on large hospitals such as “Evangelismos”.
Also, Asklipieio Voulas is transferred to group B, while “Pammakaristos” joins group C.
According to the Ministry of Health officials, the new system could reduce the incidents of stretchers in the corridors, while from the data collected during the first weekend of the implementation of the new system, it seems that the usual ranches did not develop in hospitals such as .x. the General State of Nice.
Psychiatric departments
In addition to pulmonary wards, hospital doctors report that the new on-call system is also affecting psychiatric wards.
According to a new circular issued by the Ministry of Health and the Deputy Minister of Health, responsible for mental health matters, Dimitris Vartzopoulos, the psychiatric departments of hospitals will be on duty autonomously, that is, on a different day from the general duty day of their hospital.
This, according to the OENGE, poses risks for patients, especially for those who are taken to hospitals with acute psychiatric problems and need combined care from several medical specialties.
As the Federation emphasizes, without the participation of other specialties, patients may be admitted for hospitalization undiagnosed, increasing the pressure on the staff of general hospitals.
The Ministry of Health, according to information, characterizes the changes implemented as “dynamic”, which means that the on-call system will be modified where necessary.
The same sources note that the goal is to improve the decongestion of the TEPs within the next year, while at the same time it is possible to review individual regulations based on the data that will result from the application.
New risks for patients
OENGE immediately expressed its strong reaction to the changes, stating that the change in duty groups burdens certain hospitals and creates new risks for patients.
B.C. the pulmonology department of the “Sotiria” hospital will be asked to cover the on-calls twice every four days, while the pulmonology department of the Nice Hospital will now be on call 24 hours instead of eight hours.
Hospital doctors argue that pulmonology wards cannot withstand additional pressure as they are already operating under extreme conditions due to a shortage of medical staff and beds. With the new arrangement, in fact, as they say, vicarage time is added, without addressing the need for permanent staff recruitment.
“The government is shuffling the deck, instead of staffing the minimal pulmonology departments and creating new departments in hospitals that don’t have them,” OENGE said in a statement.
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#hospitals #duty #day #morning #shift
It looks like you’re dealing with a JavaScript code snippet related to loading various scripts and managing ad implementations on a web page. Below is a cleaned-up version of what you might want to do—filling in some of the missing parts and ensuring the functions (like `asyncLoadScript()`, `asyncLoadModule()`, etc.) are called correctly and with proper arguments.
Here’s a refactored approach to what you might be aiming for:
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// Assuming asyncLoadScript is defined to accept the ad code or config
// Phaistos Adman
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// OneSignal Initialization
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OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
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// CleverCore functionality (commented out)
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// Example for loading Taboola/Project Agora
// Checking for Google AdSense slots
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// Glomex integration
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asyncLoadModule(‘url_for_glomex_module’); // Replace with actual module
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setTimeout(() => asyncLoadScript(‘url_for_dalecta_script’), 800);
// Vidoomy loading (added but specific code needs to be filled in)
### Key Points:
1. **Code Structure:** The code above uses an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) to encapsulate everything, which helps avoid global scope pollution.
2. **Incomplete URLs:** You’ll need to replace placeholders with actual URLs for each script, ensuring proper loading.
3. **Conditional Checks:** You’ll want to define or fill in the conditions where necessary (such as removing mobile ads).
4. **Async Script Loading Function:** Ensure the `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule` functions are defined elsewhere in your code, as they are crucial for loading scripts or modules asynchronously.
Be sure to review and test this code in your context, as it may become necessary to adjust URLs, identifiers, and other parameters according to your specific use case.