Which diseases killed the most Mexicans in 2023?

MEXICO CITY.- During 2023 the diseases that killed the most Mexicans They are heart disease, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, cerebrovascular diseases, liver diseases, and influenza and pneumonia, reports Inegi.

According to the Registered Death Statistics (RDS) of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, in 2023, 794,739 deaths were recorded.

In 2023, more men died than women

Of those deaths, 44.1% were women, 55.8% were men and in 0.1% of cases the sex of the person was not specified.

Also, of the total deaths, among the six leading causes of death 189,289 cases correspond to heart disease and 110,174 to diabetes mellitus.

Another 91 thousand 682 were for malignant tumors; 40,109, liver diseases; 39,553, accidents, and 34,469, cerebrovascular diseases.

More men than women die from heart disease

Among the died of heart disease, 100,473 were men and 88,802 were women; for diabetes mellitus, 54,421 were men and 55,572 were women; for malignant tumors, 43,650 were men and 48,032 were women.

By liver diseases 29,035 men and 11,067 women died; 30,493 men and 9,012 women died due to accidents; and 17,616 men and 16,850 women died due to cerebrovascular diseases.

Diseases that caused the most deaths by gender

By gender, the Top 10 diseases that caused the death of women They are, in that order, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, cerebrovascular diseases, influenza and pneumonia, liver disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accidents, kidney failure and sepsis.

Las Top 10 diseases that men died from They are heart disease, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, accidents, liver disease, homicide, influenza and pneumonia, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and kidney failure.

In this way, of the total number of deaths 89.5% was due to illnesses and health-related problems and 10.5% due to external causes, such as accidents, homicides and suicides, mainly.

#diseases #killed #Mexicans
2024-08-18 13:14:46



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