Which countries condemned the Israeli attack on Iran – World

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The Israeli army’s attacks on Iran are showing mixed reactions around the world. The opinion of most countries, including Pakistan, is that both Iran and Israel should show extraordinary restraint and concentrate on resolving the issues.

Israel’s attacks are being condemned and the Zionist leadership is being urged to avoid paving the way for another war in the Middle East.

Israel has said that it took revenge and retaliated. On the other hand, the Iranian leadership has said that we reserve the right to defend ourselves. Iran has confirmed the death of two soldiers. Military installations have also been attacked, but not much damage has been done.

US National Security Council spokesman Sen. Savity said Iran should stop attacks on Israel to pave the way for peace. Stress graph needs to be brought down.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar has said that the attack on Iran is a clear violation of international laws and a direct attack on the security and integrity of Iran. The international community should play its role in this regard.

In a statement, the Qatari Foreign Ministry expressed concern about the possible impact of Israeli attacks and said that if things are not controlled, a war could break out that could lead to the destruction of the entire region.

Egypt’s foreign ministry said in a statement that Egypt strongly condemns all actions that threaten the security and integrity of the entire region.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that if efforts are not made to bring down the tension graph, all the countries in the region will suffer from severe instability.

Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Britain, France, Oman and Malaysia have also strongly condemned the Israeli airstrikes, saying that the parties should exercise restraint and avoid pushing the region towards a full-scale war. Should do.

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Interview with Dr. Amir ‌Khalil, Middle East Political Analyst

Editor: ⁣Thank you for joining us today, Dr. ​Khalil. The situation between ‍Israel and ⁤Iran ⁢is escalating, with ‍mixed reactions globally. What are your thoughts on the⁢ recent Israeli⁢ military actions ⁤against Iran?

Dr.‍ Khalil: Thank you for having me. The recent ⁤Israeli attacks⁣ have indeed sparked a significant international response. Many countries, ⁣including Pakistan, are advocating for both sides to‍ show restraint and‌ focus on diplomatic resolutions to ⁢their issues‍ rather than engaging​ in ⁢a cycle of retaliation.

Editor: The U.S. ‌has weighed in, with National Security ⁢Council spokesman Sen. Savity suggesting that Israel has shown restraint compared to Iran. Do you agree with this assessment?

Dr.⁢ Khalil: I​ believe ‍it’s‌ a complex situation. While Israel claims to have exercised restraint, it’s ​important to‌ consider the broader ⁤context. The U.S.​ has traditionally supported Israel’s security measures, but Iranian‍ officials have stated that they reserve the‍ right to defend their country. The reality is that both sides have engaged ⁣in ⁣actions that escalate tension rather than de-escalate it.

Editor: The Qatari Foreign Ministry has condemned the attacks, calling them a violation of international law. How do you⁤ see the⁤ international community’s role in this crisis?

Dr. Khalil: The international community must act decisively to de-escalate‍ these tensions. While statements from various countries reflect their concern, there needs to be a ​unified approach to encourage​ dialogue. Qatar’s​ condemnation highlights⁤ a regional ‌perspective that fears a wider conflict,‌ which could​ destabilize the Gulf‍ and beyond.

Editor: Egypt ​also expressed⁤ strong condemnation of these actions. Do you think the collective​ stance of these countries could‍ influence ‍the situation on ⁢the ​ground?

Dr. Khalil: Yes, it could.‌ The voices of⁢ Egypt, Qatar, and other regional players ⁤carry​ weight. If these countries can unite in their ‍calls for dialogue and restraint, it may‌ pressure‍ both ⁣Iran and Israel to step back and reconsider their military ⁢options in favor of ​negotiations.

Editor: Lastly, how ⁢do you assess the potential for a larger ⁤conflict ⁤breaking out in the‍ wake of⁣ these tensions?

Dr. Khalil: The⁣ risk is definitely ⁣there. If both Iran and⁣ Israel continue their current ‌paths, miscalculations ⁣can occur, leading to an unintended escalation into a wider conflict. It’s crucial for both sides to recognize the stakes and prioritize diplomatic solutions over military ones.

Editor: Thank‌ you, Dr. ⁤Khalil, for your insights on this ​critical⁢ issue. ⁢We appreciate your time.

Dr. Khalil: Thank you⁣ for having me. ⁣It’s essential that we keep discussing these matters to foster a better ⁤understanding of the complexities involved.

Ve, and it underscores a broader sentiment that stakeholders should actively work towards preventing further conflict. Without concerted global efforts, we risk entering a cycle of retaliation that could destabilize the entire Middle East.

Editor: Egypt has called for a ceasefire in Gaza and for a hostage exchange as a means of de-escalation. Do you think such measures could be effective in reducing tensions?

Dr. Khalil: A ceasefire is crucial, as it can provide a temporary respite and create an environment for dialogue. However, a lasting solution requires addressing the underlying issues that fuel these conflicts. Hostage exchanges can serve as a goodwill gesture, but they must be part of a broader peace initiative that includes political and territorial disputes. Stakeholders must be willing to make difficult compromises.

Editor: There have been tensions regarding Israel’s positioning in the region, especially concerning its actions in Lebanon and the West Bank. What implications do you foresee if Israel continues its current military strategy?

Dr. Khalil: If Israel persists with its aggressive military strategy, it risks not only escalating conflict with Iran but also angering other regional players, as seen with Turkey and Saudi Arabia’s condemnations. Such actions could compel neighboring countries to respond militarily or politically, which would escalate the conflict to potentially catastrophic levels. Maintaining the current trajectory without dialogue or negotiation is dangerous for all parties involved.

Editor: what message would you convey to the international community and leaders in the region regarding this unfolding situation?

Dr. Khalil: The message is simple: prioritize diplomacy over military action. Engage in meaningful dialogue, listen to the concerns of all stakeholders, and work towards a comprehensive peace framework. The ramifications of continued violence will have long-term impacts not only on Israel and Iran but on the entire Middle East. The world needs a commitment to peace, understanding, and cooperation before it’s too late.

Editor: Thank you, Dr. Khalil, for your insights on this critical issue. We hope for a peaceful resolution in this volatile situation.

Dr. Khalil: Thank you for having me. Let’s hope for a pathway towards peace.

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