Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The new scientific answer

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The new scientific answer

The question of biological evolution on earth has always troubled scientists, whether the chicken or the egg came first. The new answer to this question is that simultaneous egg-laying was and still is in terrestrial vertebrates.

There is also a specific family of lizards in the world as vertebrates, which includes hundreds of species, and among them there is a type of lizard called skink, which at the same time She also lays eggs and babies.

According to experts, under the evolutionary theory of creation of life, the most asked question for centuries is whether the chicken or the egg came first. That is, a chicken egg from which only a chicken is born, can only be given by a chicken, but on the other hand, a chicken’s own birth is not possible without an egg. So which of these two came into being first?

This new fact can be quite helpful in finding the answer to this question that biologists from the University of Sydney, Australia have observed for the first time that there is a special type of lizard found in Australia, which was previously She lays eggs and then later gives birth to her live and awake young.

According to the observations of these experts, one of the same species of skink lizards first laid three eggs and then gave birth to a live baby a few weeks later. The baby was born as a result of this process, which scientists call biological pregnancy of this lizard. Most importantly, it is the first of its kind in the world during biological research. It is the first case that a female vertebrate has laid eggs and given birth to a baby.

“This is a very rare discovery,” says Camilla Whittington, from the University of Sydney’s School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, detailing microscopic details of the eggs this week in the leading scientific research journal Biology Letters. are being published with.

This particular type of lizard is found in the eastern coastal areas of Australia. But surprisingly, lizards of the same species found in the highlands of northern Australia usually give birth. On the other hand, the lizards of the same species found in Sydney and its suburbs lay eggs. This means, vertebrates of the same species and three different methods of reproduction: both eggs, young and both eggs and young.

According to Camilla Whittington, at least 150 evolutionary processes must be completed during the transition from egg-laying to hatching or from hatching to egg-laying for any vertebrate animal. Says, “The first vertebrates used to lay eggs. Then, through evolutionary processes, some of their species also acquired the ability to have children, that is, instead of laying eggs, they kept their unborn child for a longer period of time while it was still undergoing the process of completion. Became capable of sustaining life in the body.

Camilla Whittington said, “In evolutionary biology terms, animals that stop laying eggs for their own breeding and start producing young, or stop giving birth and start laying eggs, are actually They are ensuring the survival of their future generations. Because this evolutionary change is part of their process of adapting themselves to very positive or very negative changes in their environment.

#chicken #egg #scientific #answer
2024-08-31 15:50:09



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