Which are the places authorized to bathe during the summer in Cipolletti

The Cipolletti government’s business department informed which are the places authorized to bathe during the 2023 season in Cipolletti. They clarify that They are properties with pools only.

In the statement they detailed the following properties:

Unión Obrera de la Industria de la Madera located in the Don Pedro complex, on C67 street
Property of the Union of Light and Power of Río Negro and Neuquén located at Primeros Pobladores 935
Municipal workers club located in the Isla Jordán seaside park
Recreational Luz property located in United Nations 1869
La Chacra located at La Esmeralda 2500
UnTER located at La Esmeralda 2225
Cipolletti Hunting and Fishing Club located in the Jordan Island coastal park
Club Cipolletti located in the property “15 de Octubre”
Club Cipolletti located at Mengelle 240
Porvenir Foundation located in the former Hidronor sector, Cuatro Esquinas
Union of Hierarchical Petroleum Personnel located in the Isla Jordán coastal park
Union of Workers of the Gas and Derivatives Industry located in the Isla Jordán Coastal Park
MUTEN located in Balsa Las Perlas
Municipal swimming pool located in the Isla Jordán coastal park
Marabunta Rugby Club located in Belgrano 2100

They clarified that it is not allowed to bathe in the irrigation canals“The Civil Protection Directorate reminds the community that bathing in the irrigation canals is prohibited since there is a lifeguard service,” they explained from the municipality.

On the other hand, they detailed that the passage of water to the chakras is obstructedsince garbage is thrown and plugs are created in the channels.

The AIC informed that during the weekend and next week, there will be a temperature rise in the region.

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