Which adaptogenic plant for which phase of stress?

2023-12-20 11:20:28

Home > Files > Which adaptogenic plant for which phase of stress? written on December 20, 2023 at 12:20 p.m. Reducing your oxidative stress already means supporting your nervous system. Article published in newspaper nº 119

For several decades now, there has been a growing interest in plants classified as “adaptogens” such as ginseng, cordyceps, eleuthero, astragalus, maca, rodhiola, ashwagandha…And for good reason, they are an effective response to support our bodies which are constantly solicited by our modern way of life. Let’s see together how they can help us, and which plant best responds to which types or phases of stress. Part-3

If you choose to take one or more of the plants listed below, follow the recommendations and contraindications indicated on the product. For example, number ofTonic adaptogens may cause difficulty sleeping when taken in the evening.

Oxidation and vigilance of the nervous system

The level of oxidative stress plays a part in the body’s ability to maintain a neurovegetative balance. In fact, the higher the level of free radicals, the more your body is in a state of alert.. It is no coincidence that all adaptogenic plants contain a number of nutrients involved in antioxidant cycles. Reducing your oxidative stress already supports your nervous system.

Adaptogens of the alarm phase

All adaptogens can be taken during the alarm phase, because the reserve of adrenal vitality is always present. We will therefore mention a few, either more delicate to take during the more advanced phases, or having specific polarities different from adaptation to stress.

Ginseng (Panax ginseng). It’s the first one that comes to mind. Ginseng is a very good all-round tonic, which draws its properties from both its nutritional richness (vitamins B, C, E, vast spectrum of minerals and trace elements such as manganese, zinc, phosphorus, etc.) and also compounds called ginsenosides (belonging to the saponin family) playing a role in its strong antioxidant activity. You can find two types on the market: white and red. In reality, it is a single plant, but the white is made from young (four years old) dried roots, while the red comes from roots at least six years old that have been heated. Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis). Less known than the previous adaptogen, it isa fungus very particular since it is part of what we call the entomopathogenic, that is to say it parasitizes insects. I encourage you to go see the photos, it’s very impressive. Used in traditional Chinese medicine, it also has an interesting nutritional profile (essential amino acids, vitamins B, E, cordycepin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and trace elements such as zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, etc.). Like many mushrooms, it contains active molecules called beta-glucansas well asergosterol, a substance that transforms into vitamin D2 under the action of ultraviolet rays. Its properties are quite versatile: a good tonic in case of fatigue, antioxidant properties, immune support, endocrine impact which has earned it the reputation of increasing libido and sexual potency. You can find it dried, in powder, in capsules, in tablets, in hydro-alcoholic extracts.
Eleutherococcus (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Initially considered the sports adaptogen par excellence, we… Why is this article reserved for subscribers?

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