Where to find the best seat on the plane?

2023-04-21 16:03:26

Can you choose your seat on a plane?

If you fly often or plan to become a regular passenger, you need to start choosing your seat smarter. Would only be to enjoy a more enjoyable and comfortable flight experience. In general, when you buy your plane ticket, most airlines give you the opportunity to choose your seat on board. Apart from low cost airlines, which assign you a seat by default, unless you pay extra for a specific seat. Oh yes, important point, if you want to benefit from a precise seat, via any company, you must, of course, book your flight well in advance. It’s not at the last minute, when you check in, that you will find the ideal place!

Airplane seats – Source: spm

One thing is certain, the choice of seat, especially on long-haul flights, is decisive for your comfort during the flight. Because, as you well know, not all seats are created equal. Even in Business Class, there are seats that are more advantageous than others. Obviously, everything is relative according to the needs of travelers who, too, are not alike. If that doesn’t feel hot or cold to you, any seat will do. But if you are picky or have a particular requirement, it is better to find out more regarding the placement on board the plane.

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Some passengers are very fond of partitioned seats which have the advantage of offering more legroom. But there is also a disadvantage: these places are located near the kitchen of the plane. Inevitably, there is a bit of a bustle in this area! If you are looking for tranquility, this is not the best option, as the noise and bustle may disturb you. Especially when the crew prepares meals or chats between duty hours. Not to mention the brightness of the kitchen which can also bother you when sleeping. Well, you can always opt for the goggles, but you have been warned all the same.

Ah, the famous window seat! This one often seems to steal the show, so much is it requested by most passengers. But be careful, don’t be fooled: ask that we check that there is indeed a window, because sometimes it can only be a wall. In the case of Business Class, for example, some companies have staggered seats, that is to say they are a little further from the window (with a storage cabinet between the seat and the window). Which can be very annoying if you were just looking to enjoy the breathtaking view of the sky. Speaking of Business Class, remember to always book the front row or the bulkhead, as these seats offer the most legroom, without stretching out.

  • Seats in the exit row

In economy class, some passengers prefer the seats located next to the emergency exits. It is true that they are quite comfortable and generally offer more space to stretch out the legs. But watch out for the seats on the window side in this same space. On jumbo jets, you risk being bothered by the bulky compartment that protrudes from the door and houses the evacuation slides. This cramped space will probably reduce your comfort on board! And that’s not all: this area also has the reputation of being colder than the rest of the cabin, so don’t forget your sweater or ask the hostesses for a blanket.

So, those, between us, it’s not the best choice! Even if you think you’re quite isolated and far from a possible hubbub, we don’t really recommend the seats in the back row. They have the disadvantage of having very limited tilting space due to the wall behind. As for the seats in the aisle near the toilets and the galley, they are also not very comfortable, given the constant comings and goings of passengers and crew. Being constantly disturbed or bumped is not the most exhilarating experience on board!

What is the best economy class seat?

So, ultimately, what would be the wisest choice? In economy class, we advise you to opt for the window seat, the aisle near the front of the cabin or a seat near the bulkhead. Another key location: the aisle seats located regarding 4-5 rows in the back. You have direct access to the corridor and you are far enough from the toilets and the kitchen. A perfect option! Moreover, they are even ranked at the top of the podium by the cabin crew. As an added bonus, as airlines often fill planes from the front, if the flight isn’t full, you might even be lucky enough to have a whole row just for you. Regal, right?

choosing the best airplane seat_

Choosing the best airplane seat. Source: spm

What is the ideal seat on the plane with a baby?

A woman sitting with her baby on the plane

A woman sitting with her baby on the plane – Source: spm

If you’re traveling with your baby or young child on the plane, it’s always best to choose front row seats or emergency exit seats, as these are the most spacious. Conversely, the most uncomfortable seats are those in the last row and those located just in front of the emergency door.

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What are the safest places on a plane?

For the most anxious passengers, you should know that the engineers have thought of everything. Nothing was left to chance. All seats on the aircraft come with specific features that help to further enhance safety. You may not know it, but they actually have the ability to withstand up to 16 times the force of gravity! Plus, they’re made of flame-retardant fabrics and smoke-free material, so they won’t ignite during a potential accident. Something to fully reassure you! Now, if you’re really scared on board and insist on sitting in one of the safest seats on the plane, then always reserve a seat at the end of the plane. This is often the less hilly row. But, small important precision: if these seats are the least expensive and the least appreciated, it is also and above all because they are the least comfortable. Rightly so, since in this area, the noise of the engine is deafening. And when disembarking, you will be one of the last passengers to leave the plane, so the queue may seem endless!

Where do you feel turbulence the least in an airplane?

In addition to a visceral fear of flying, some passengers also dread the turbulence that often looms during a flight. So, if you are really in distress, to reduce your anxiety, know that there are areas of the device where these tumults are less felt. A former EasyJet flight attendant explained to the American site Business Insider that the seats at the front are those where there is less agitation, since the plane moves less there. Little known tip: avoid taking the flight in the followingnoon, because it is often at this time of the day that turbulence is most frequent. On good terms…

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