where they will live and the reaction of his ex-wife, Carola Escámez

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In December 2021, THE SPANISH ensured that the plans Miki Nadal (54 years old) and her sentimental partner, Helena Aldea (34), for the new year they happened to live together, make a home and, in that way, further seal your love. That 2022, in short, was going to bring great and good changes for both of them.

This newspaper was not mistaken in light of recent events. On March 19, Father’s Day, Miki Nadal surprised locals and strangers on his Instagram account, revealing that he will be a father once more. What better day for such momentous news.

“Helena, the woman that life has placed next to me as a travel companion to infinity and beyond, is going to be the best mom in the world because she is good, sweet, patient and amazing. And I am very happy to live this new adventure with her“, added the communicator and humorist. In that postIn addition, he discovered that what Helena Aldea expects it’s a girl.

Nadal and Aldea live their sweetest moment, that long-awaited hope that will mark them forever. This newspaper has been able to learn, through Miki’s closest and most trusted environment, that both “they were the first surprised“.

The news might not make them happier when the suspicion changed into reality. The couple will live in Madrid when their baby is born. In the capital of Spain have decided to establish their residencealthough at present Aldea continues to travel to Alicante for work reasons.

It should be remembered that she is a successful businesswoman who, together with her sister, opened a fashion store, caprice. Till the date, Miki and Helena have been seeing each other between Madrid and Alicante, without interrupting your professional obligations. She will continue like this until her state of pregnancy allows it.

Miki Nadal and her partner, Helena Aldea, in an image from their social networks.

The loving couple found out regarding the pregnancy, they explain to this medium, days before the official announcement, but they decided to wait until March 19 to make it public. It was a way, moreover, to give space and prominence to the comedian’s daughter with her ex-wife, Carola Escamez (36), little Carmela. They revealed it to her, both, days before and she put “crazy happy. She already sensed something and she was ahead of them.”

There is nothing that made him more excited than having a sister. Also Carola Escámez, ex-wife of Miki, was cconventionally informed of this happy news from Miki, explains who knows it well: “Aright now the relationship between them is cordial and good. She is very happy for the happiness of her daughter’s father. Because that happiness will be that of the daughter“.

Also SPANISH ruled out There have been wedding plans for Miki Nadal and Helena Aldea for some time. They continue in the same thought. “ANDyou are baby has changed their plans, but wedding at the moment. They will do something to formalize, but time to time.”

Gone are the warlike times between Miki and Carola Escámez unequivocal gesture that between them everything flows differently, much more calmly, took place on November 29, 2021, during the final of MasterChef Celebrity 6. In the last test, the space gave the surprise to the duelists Juanma Castano (44) and Miki receiving their relatives on set. In Mike’s case, his brother made an appearance, her sister-in-law and her daughter Carmela.

As stated to this medium at the time, the decision for the minor to appear on television to surprise her father had the “total approval“from the mother, Carola Escámez. Things are going much better and “the girl deserved to live that moment, since She has been a faithful follower of her father’s contest“, explained a source of total solvency.

It was added, by way of closing, that in the change of relationship between the ex-marriage The death of Miki’s mother also influenced, hard blow that happened last February. A sort of understanding that also arrives in a good life time for both. The two, in love with their current partners.

Mike’s good time

Not only does Miki Nadal have reasons to celebrate for his good sentimental moment and for having signed his divorce from Carola Escámez: Miki also has two powerful reasons to continue dancing., laughing and living the life.

On the one hand, this section being the most important because of what it has suffered, the comedian can boast of having put the counter to zero with justice, as he might exclusively know this means then.

He has already completed the work for the Community that a judge imposed on him following that conviction for a minor crime of harassment of Escámez. That, if it fits, It was the blow that hurt Miki Nadal the most and his or her environment. An accusation with which the collaborator of zapping. The beginning of what ended in a divorce lawsuit. Today, has no pending cases.

The success of the village

Helen is a successful businesswoman who, following having studied Journalism, chose to dedicate herself to the world of fashion, hand in hand with her sister, Ángela. Both entrepreneurs tried their luck in the business world with their fashion store caprice. It is an endorsed and renowned brand in the world of fashion and television. The brand of women who smileas defined on the web.

Helena is the co-founder, and familiar faces like Chenoa (46), Cristina Pedroche (33) the Paula Echevarria (43) have helped her with her launches, and on the store page it is common to see many celebrities e influence wearing their designs. Helena and her sister started selling multi-brand clothing, but last November they launched their own collection, chaotic.

[Más información: Miki Nadal y Helena Aldea anuncian que esperan su primer hijo en común y desvelan el sexo del bebé]



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