where the “heavy rains” hit. The key days –

What awaits us in the last few days of August? To provide the weather forecast for the next few days it’s business as usual Paul Undercrownthe meteorologist of La7, who spoke on Tuesday 27 August OmnibusToday’s “photograph” reports very isolated phenomena in the North – Liguria, Lombardy and Trentino – but also several “red zones” in the internal parts of the Centre, on the central and southern Apennines, where “more intense phenomena” and “very abundant rainfall”. Rains that in the South can also extend to the coasts, in Calabria, Basilicata and Sicily. Intense phenomena also in Sardinia.

Showers and thunderstorms: how will summer end? Here's what awaits us

The situation Wednesday, August 28th it is easing but “this instability in the central areas remains”, with intense phenomena that can occur on the Apennines and again in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Sicily and Sardinia. Thursday, August 29 calm returns to the North, with the exception of Liguria, and the situation eases in the center with residual phenomena in lower Lazio, in the southern peninsula and partly on the major islands.

There are no sudden changes on the front of the heat. “No temperature This morning’s minimum temperatures are stable at the values ​​of the past few days, around 20 degrees, so still very hot”. Sottocorona explains.

#heavy #rains #hit #key #days #Tempo
2024-08-27 15:55:12



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