where storms occur – The Weather

Change of scenery of the weather forecast? Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August the weather will be dominated by heat and sun throughout Italy, explain the experts of MeteoGiuliacciwith few thunderstorms especially tomorrow in the north. Between Monday 26 and Wednesday 28 August we will instead have a disturbance that will graze the north and that will leave us “as a legacy a cold drop, that is a core of fresh air at high altitude: an area therefore of strong instability” and with it the possibility of numerous thunderstorms.

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Which regions will be affected? Colonel’s experts Mario Giuliacci explain that on Monday the rains will hit the North and Tuscany, on Tuesday areas of the Alps, the Northern Apennines and “practically all the central regions”. The cold drop will bring possible, local precipitation also along the Central Apennines up to the South. Atmospheric instability in various areas of Italy, therefore, but it will continue to be hot with temperatures in line with those of the last few days.

#storms #occur #Weather
2024-08-27 01:04:08



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