Syrian actor Karam Al-Shaarani sparked controversy through his role as a dancer in the series “Aziza Choir” during the current Ramadan season, coinciding with his decisive role in another series, “Kasr Al-Azem”, which is currently being shown.
In the series “Aziza Choir”, Al-Shaarani plays the character “Azmi Niswan”, which is completely far from the character of “Abu Maryam”, the powerful villain in the series “Kisser Adham”.
And the controversy sparked, a scene of him from the “Aziza Choir” performing oriental dance at work, so the audience commented: “Where is your pride, Abu Maryam?”
Al-Shaarani also plays another character, the character of Abu Maryam, the firm, in the series “Kasr Adem”, where he mastered the performance of the evil character.
It is worth noting that Karam Al-Shaarani graduated from the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts in 2011, and participated in several works.