Where is Yevgeny Prigozhin? Speculations on the Wagner Mercenary’s Whereabouts

2023-07-14 11:03:00

Created: 07/14/2023 13:03

Von: Victoria Krumbeck

Where is Yevgeny Prigozhin located? A US general doesn’t think the public will ever see the Wagner mercenary again.

New York — Yevgeny Prigozhin’s whereabouts remain a mystery. On June 24, the Wagner group rebelled against the Russian military leadership. Wagner mercenaries occupied the Russian army headquarters in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the south-west of the country for several hours. After the uprising failed, Prigozhin is said to have fled to Belarus.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov recently confirmed that Prigozhin and 35 Wagner commanders spoke to Putin in the Kremlin at the end of June. In turn, the Belarusian President said on July 6 that the Wagner boss was in St. Petersburg. Speculations continue to grow. A US general assumes that Prigozhin is either captured or dead.

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Where is Wagner mercenary Prigozhin? US general speaks of “death” or “captivity”

Shortly after the failed coup attempt against the Kremlin, many observers agreed that Prigozhin had been in great danger ever since. “I personally don’t think so [er am Leben ist] and if so, then he’s trapped somewhere,” retired US General Robert Abrams estimated Prigozhin’s situation in an interview > a. He doubted that Prigozhin and Vladimir Putin met shortly after the coup attempt. “I think that’s heavily staged,” Abrams said.

Where is Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin? There is much speculation about his whereabouts. © Elena Kopylova/IMAGO

“I doubt we’ll ever see Prigozhin in public again. I think he will either be hidden or sent to prison or treated in some other way,” the general added. Putin had officially promised Prigozhin and the Wagner mercenaries impunity. Whether this promise was kept remains uncertain, as does Prigozhin’s whereabouts.

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Ukrainian counter-offensive: “Dynamics in the Ukrainian armed forces”

The general also looked at the course of the Ukraine war. He explained that the Ukrainian counter-offensive is not working as well and as quickly as initially hoped. He referred to the assessment of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj, who is also not entirely satisfied with the development of the counter-offensive. Coming up against the Russian soldiers is difficult for the Ukrainian army and could become a “fighting match”. “But the momentum is clearly with the Ukrainian armed forces,” Abrams said.

He also criticizes the poor care given to injured Russian soldiers. Around 50 percent of the armed forces die from their injuries. Russian losses could even double this year. (vk)

#Prigozhin #dead #captured #Wagner #mercenary

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