Where is the danger of cholera?

Russia – Infectious disease specialist Dr. Vladislav Gemchugov spoke about cholera, its symptoms, consequences and how it can be prevented.

“Cholera belongs to the second group of dangerous diseases. Its danger lies in its rapid spread and severe course, and without proper treatment it can lead to death,” he says.
The expert points out that the cholera bacterium is found in stagnant water and can be transmitted to the body through contamination of water sources and food, but it cannot tolerate cold and frost, so as a rule it dies in the fall.
He says: “Cholera causes intestinal paralysis, inhibits enzyme secretion, and causes severe diarrhea, which leads to dehydration, fatigue and weakness a few hours after infection, and the infected person may die due to dehydration.”
The expert points out that the cholera virus can live in stagnant water in warm areas even in winter, and returns to activity in spring. It can also spread in war conditions through drinking water sources and the lack of regular sewage systems.
According to him, the disease is easily treated in hospital conditions, so at the first signs of infection, you should contact the nearest medical center.
The doctor points out the danger of anti-diarrheal medications, and he does not recommend taking such medications, because they cause fluid retention in the body, which may lead to death.

#danger #cholera
2024-09-22 01:43:14



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