Where is the cheapest gas station in Spain



Fuel prices continue to rise week after week to reach historical limits. This week a liter of gasoline has already reached two euros at several service stations in Spain, something never seen before. According to data released by the latest Petroleum Bulletin of the European Union, gasoline is sold in our country at an average (to date) of 1.83 euros per liter, while diesel is sold at 1.80 euros. Both figures are the highest ever recorded.

Some experts point to the conflict with Ukraine or the low level of supply as the cause of the rise, but the truth is that Spain is the country of the European Union where it has increased the most in 2021, 22% compared to January, according to a study by the National Association of Automatic Service Stations (
) with data from the Geoportal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition.

However, there is still areas where you can get fuel at a better price. And the price is not the same at all service stations. In fact, between some brands and others, the price can even have differences of between 10 and 20 cents. A figure to keep in mind if we take as a reference that filling the tank can cost you 10 euros more depending on which season you do it.

The only problem is that it may not be right where you live or even close. Only a few will be luckier. Moreover, prices vary every day, therefore, currently we can find the most affordable gas station in our country is in Teruel, and in Valencia, according to the
Geoportal Gas Stations
of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition.

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Specifically, to get the tank of our car with gasoline 95 at the best price, you will have to go to Teruel, specifically, at COOP.CRETAS in Cretas (Carretera Comarcal, S/N – Margen D), with a price of 1.51 euro/litre. However, to find the best price for diesel A, you need to go to Valencia, specifically, to COOPERATIVA DE ALPUENTE in Alpuente (Polígono Parcelas 281 y 283, 281/283 – Margen N), with a rate of 1.42 euros/ liter.

If you also want to know where to get ‘premium’ fuels at the best price, we also reveal its location. The Sin Plomo 98 at the best price is at ES ALCAMPO SANT BOI in Sant Boi de Llobregat, in Barcelona (Calle Alberedes, 6.12 – Margen I), with a price of 1.66 euros/litre. And to get the best A+ diesel, at nothing more and nothing less than 1.39 euros/litre. It is in COOP.CRETAS in CRETAS (Teruel – Carretera Comarcal, S/N – Margen D).

According to
, the greatest savings possibilities are at the gas stations of one of the ‘low cost’ chains, agricultural cooperatives or service stations associated with supermarket chains. Therefore, choosing well pays off, and in the previous ones you find many cases.

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