Where is it cheaper to contract 600 megabytes or more?

This Movistar rate does not have any type of permanence associated so we can unsubscribe at the time we want. It includes the Movistar Smart WiFi router and you will not have to pay anything for the installation fee or the line fee. Includes landline phone.


Vodafone is another operator that offers us 600 Mbps fiber at a very good price. This operator places its fiber at 31 euros per month, although it has an active promotion that allows us to enjoy free 1 Gbps fiber during the first 3 months. It also includes a fixed telephone line.

This operator does not have any type of permanence, but if we choose this option we will have to take care of the installation, which has a cost of 150 euros. We can also choose the option to stay a whole year with Vodafone, in which case you will not have to pay anything for the installation.


Yoigo also offers us the possibility of contracting 600 Mbps fiber with them, and it does so with a very interesting temporary discount. With them, we would be paying 25.60 the first three monthsgoing to cost the next three 37.60 euros and from there it would go to its usual price, which is 47 euros per month.

This rate includes a landline with unlimited calls to landlines and 60 minutes to national mobiles. Shipping and installation are totally free with Yoigoalthough this rate is associated with a stay in Yoigo of 12 months.


MásMóvil, like Yoigo, also offers us 600 Mbps fiber with several temporary discounts to take into account. If we contract right now we will be paying until next September €19.99 per monthgoing on to cost 29.99 euros per month until next June 2023. From this moment on, the fiber will cost its normal price, which is 39.99 euros per month.

Services that MásMóvil does not have

This rate also includes the line fee and installation, as well as a landline with unlimited calls to national landlines and 60 minutes to mobiles. As with the Yoigo rate, is associated with a stay of 12 months.


Another of the operators that offer us the possibility of contracting this fiber is Finetwork. This gives us the possibility of getting this rate for the price of 29.90 euros forever, without discounts. In this case, the rate does not include any type of fixed line.

What we must take into account with Finetwork is that this operator offers us the possibility of getting this rate both with a twelve-month stay and without it. If we decide that we do not want to stay, we will have to pay for the installation on the first invoice, which will be 96.80 euros.


Lowi’s fiber-only rate had been offering 100 Mbps until a few days ago, but it has undergone a facelift that has been very good. Now it reaches the figure of 600 Mbps speed, and it does so for a price of 29.95 euros per month.

In this case, we will also have permanence, but this will only be 3 months. Lowi will charge us for the installation, which, as with Finetwork, will have to be paid on the first invoice. This has a cost of 30 euros.


We close this list of operators that offer 600 Mbps fiber at a good price with Jazztel, which has its rate at a very attractive price: €29.95 per month. This fee includes the installation fee in the price, so we will not really be paying more to install it.

Jazztel mobile only rates

Keep in mind that this rate includes a landline phone, but it does not include any type of minutes, so we will pay for everything we talk about. This rate is associated with a stay of 12 monthsalthough in this case the price of the rate is forever.

1 Gbps: more speed for a little more

As far as fiber-only rates are concerned, we are going to find less where to look to get 1 Gbps. Likewise, we have very interesting options that offer us this speed in exchange for paying a little more on our bill.

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The orange operator appears on this list with its 1 Gbps proposal for our home. This operator offers us this high connection speed for a price of 30.95 euros per month for the first three monthslater costing 40.95 euros.

The rate includes the installation and line registration fee, as well as a Router with WiFi 6. This also includes a landline telephone with unlimited calls to national landlines and 1000 free minutes to national mobiles. You have a 12-month commitment.


How could it be otherwise, Vodafone also offers 1 Gbps, which is why it lets us enjoy 3 months free if we contract 600 Mbps. This rate does not have any type of temporary discount, and its final price is not too far from that of Orange: 41 euros per month.

As was the case with 600 Mbps fiber, this 1 Gbps rate does not have permanence either, although we would have to pay the installation of 150 euros. If we decide to stay with Vodafone for a year, we will not have to pay anything for the installation.


Jazztel is one of the operators that offers 1 Gbps fiber at the best price. This has a definitive price without discounts of 30.95 euros per monthso it offers a very competitive price compared to the rest of its rivals.

In the same way that occurs with the 600 Mbps rate, this includes a fixed line for which we will have to pay for everything we talk about and, of course, the installation and line fee. We will have to stay with them for at least 12 months.


Yoigo also offers the possibility of installing 1 Gbps fiber at home, but in this case it does so at a somewhat higher price. This fee is priced at 41.60 euros per month for the first 6 months, going to cost after 52 euros per month.


As with the 600 Mbps rate, this rate includes a landline with which we can call landlines in Spain for free, in addition to 60 minutes of calls to national mobiles. It has a stay of 12 months.


We close the list and the article with Digi. The Romanian operator offers us two types of 1 Gbps rate, and we can choose according to the coverage. Your Smart Fiber uses the operator’s own fiber network, and it has a cost of 20 euros per month forever. The problem with this Smart fiber is that its range is very limited, and it reaches very few cities at the moment.

The other option reaches almost the entire Spanish territory, and that is because it uses Movistar’s fiber coverage. In that case, we will have to pay 30 euros per month, also forever. With Digi, regardless of the rate we choose, we will have stay of 3 months.

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