where do people smoke the most in France?

2023-07-18 20:21:34


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3

D. Mascret

France Televisions

Smoking in France has not fallen since 2019 and remains at a relatively high level. Nearly one in three adults smoke. Santé Publique France published, on Monday July 17, the data region by region. The point with the doctor and journalist Damien Mascret, present on the set of 19/20.

The Public Health France study shows variations. The regions where men smoke the most are the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur region, ahead of Normandy, Occitanie and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. For women, these are Occitanie and the PACA region, but also the Grand Est and Brittany.

Who are the good students?

First of all, the Centre-Val-de-Loire. “Over the past four years, smoking has fallen by 5%, ahead of Hauts-de-France, and third region Grand Est, which is still a region with a high rate of smoking”, specifies the doctor and journalist Damien Mascret, present on the set of 19/20, Tuesday July 18. Finally, the three regions most motivated to quit smoking are Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Normandy and Brittany. “Regions in which we will find six out of ten smokers want to quit. And this is important, because we know that the desire to quit is the best indicator that the next time ‘we try, we will manage to stop’concludes the doctor.

Among our sources

Public Health France

Non-exhaustive list

#people #smoke #France

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