Where citizens and businesses can apply

In particular, in a context of cooperation with the local self-government of the first and second degree, the work of autopsies the echelons of the general secretariat of Natural Disaster Recovery and State Aid of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection and especially (a) the echelons of the general directorate of Natural Disaster Impact Recovery (GDAEFK) of the c.g. Restoration of Natural Disasters and State Aid, and (b) the State Aid committees of the Region of Attica in collaboration with the State Aid Directorate of the G.C. Restoration of Natural Disasters and State Aid.

The citizens can submit applications in each municipality from Wednesday, August 14and contact the following telephone numbers:

Marathon Municipality: 2294320526 & 2294320578 and Varnavas Municipal Store: 2295097249

Municipality of Oropos: 2295320306 & 6989475597

Municipality of Dionysos: 2132030614-611-603

Municipality of Pallini: 6946009986

Municipality of Rafina-Pikermio: 2294321001

Municipality of Penteli: 2132050000 & 2132050002

Municipality of Vrilissi: 2132050511 & 6972769914

Municipality of Chalandrio: 2132023918

Municipality of Megareo: 2296081841

As for the damage to businesses (equipment, means of production, goods, etc.) the scheme of state aid to businesses has been activated, which includes a grant against material damages (equipment, raw materials, goods, cars for professional use, means of production, etc.). p.). The scheme in question is implemented by the State Aid committees of the Attica Region in collaboration with the State Aid Directorate of the General Secretariat for Natural Disaster Recovery and State Aid. Entrepreneurs can submit applications and contact the Region of Attica, from Wednesday, August 14, to the following details:

  • Eastern Attica Regional Unit: Eastern Attica Development Directorate, 17th km. Marathonos Street, PO Box 153 51, tel. 2132005310, 2132005290, [email protected].
  • Regional Unit of Western Attica: Directorate of Development of Western Attica, 78 Iroon Polytechniou, Elefsina, Postal Code 19200, tel. 2132047086, 2132047039, 2132047096, [email protected].
  • Attica Northern Sector Regional Unit: Northern Sector Development Directorate, 18 Kifisias St., Marousi, PO Box 151 25, tel. 2132100400 (tel. center), 2132100420, 2132100402 – 403 (secretariat department) [email protected].

Regarding the damages in the primary sector, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and ELGA have been activated competently, with ELGA crews having already proceeded with the first autopsies and its correspondents have been activated in every municipality of Attica.

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#citizens #businesses #apply



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