where and when it arrives – Time

The latest weather forecasts do not only show a progressive rise in temperatures but also a particular and generally infrequent atmospheric phenomenon which we have seen in our skies in recent weeks. “A vast cloud of dust from the Sahara Desert is arriving again over Europe and Italy, already in the next few days”, warns IlMeteo.it. In short, the sky will return to being tinged with yellow like on the Easter weekend.

It’s all the fault of the North African currents that will arrive on Europe as a result of the push of the anticyclone that counteracts a “powerful cyclone off the coast of the British Isles”, explain the experts. The desert dust will thus occupy the highest altitudes of the atmosphere starting from Saturday 6 April. In particular in the centre-north. Saharan sand could also be washed ashore by rains expected over the next week.

As mentioned, a strong African anticyclone, called Narcissus, persists in the south of Italy, causing “extreme” temperatures in North Africa, reports IlMeteo.it, with values ​​above 45 degrees. “about 10-12°C higher than what would be expected at this time of year” and record highs such as 48.5°C recorded in Mali.

#arrives #Time
2024-04-07 01:16:12

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