“When you’re young you don’t understand your parents’ teachings. The biggest mess I have…

Marco Masini it was one of the symbols of Italian music of the 90s and has never stopped since then. Seven years after the last album, it comes out “10 Loves”i.e. the celebration of the artist’s 60th birthday, but also the point of view of human relationships and today’s society. Live appointment in the sports halls on 18 October 2025 at the Palazzo dello Sport in Rome, on 24 October 2025 at the Unipol Forum in Milan and on 25 October 2025 at the Nelson Mandela Forum in Florence

What has love meant to you in the past and today?
Love represents first and foremost a form of self-esteem that you must have for yourself. So the first thing you have to do is love yourself because then if you haven’t managed to love yourself, you haven’t managed to love others either and you won’t be able to love others tomorrow. So for me love is a school, a school where every day you get to know more and more about your strongest and weakest aspects. Every form of love brings out something different in you, also because it is always unpredictable. Consequently it represents a surprise. It has always been a surprise to me and it will be a surprise tomorrow.

Is there a lack of love in today’s society?
No, there is no lack of love. There is a different consumption of love, everything today is consumed much more rapidly, consequently also love. Before there was the discovery of your soul mate, today there is the algorithm that tells you who your soul mate could be. Before there was a love for family, for values, for things that lasted anyway…Today there is no longer that same type of love that ends sooner and therefore makes things last less or perhaps they are the things that anyway they are no longer surprised when love ends first.

“It was our pact, let me live forever and I won’t kill you.” It’s one of the phrases from “So bye”, in what sense was the word I will kill?
You often die of love, you die inside of love and many loves kill you, crumble you, break you into a thousand pieces and sometimes put you back together.

“It’s Not a Choice” tells of a love with an age difference. Is it still a taboo today? And why does it apply more to older women than men?
But I don’t know why it’s worth more for another… I only know that through love towards those younger than you there is also inherent a sort of learning of what a future is coming. Something you couldn’t learn alone or with someone the same age as you. By loving those who are younger you also love the future, perhaps you even feel more deeply immersed in the future that is coming.

In “It Should Have Been Us” you say “we just made an indelible mess”. What’s the biggest mess you made in your youth?
I gave my father a slap, precisely because when you are young you don’t understand your parents’ teachings when you are a teenager. In the end, even if the language is not yours, but if you manage to metabolise them and understand them and focus on them, as you grow you realize that they have all come true.

“A life that smells of truth scares me more than being alone.” Is this one of the reasons why, in your opinion, the new generations struggle to have “live” relationships?
Social media has led people to build relationships from home, ‘remotely’. Technology has helped in certain sectors, it has perhaps penalized a lot in the sector of love itself, that is, in the feeling and in the discovery of the feeling itself. Consequently, love at this moment is penalized precisely by the fact that, thanks to technology and thanks to communities, today you can do everything you did when you left home. Relationships and more.

“Two boyfriends from the 1930s” is the celebration of the love of the past. Why is it difficult to stay together for so many years?
It’s not that we struggle to be together for many years, it’s the world that has changed completely and that gives us different opportunities than what we had before. Before there was absolutely none of this and everything surprised us. We went in search of surprises together.

What do you think are the biggest differences between married couples then and now?
Today nothing surprises us anymore, we have the opportunity and the possibility to question not only ourselves but also the person next to us through comments, through likes, dislikes, likes, dislikes. we like it and therefore we often listen to others. Others are also very influential in our lives and often, let’s say, we christen as Gospel what others say without listening to our feelings and without listening to our heart more strongly than a contemporary reality which unfortunately no longer leads us to discover Nothing.

What would you say and what love advice would you give to Marco Masini in “Desperato”?
No kind of advice because any advice I could give now could influence as happens a bit when you see science fiction films, where time travel is talked about. The trend of events must absolutely not be forced, it must absolutely not be changed, otherwise perhaps I would now find myself in a different situation from the one in which I find myself which I feel is mine and which has filled me with satisfaction. Through all the mistakes, through all the mistakes I’ve made, these are things that have led me to a huge victory over myself.

What relationship do you have with the Sanremo Festival?
Excellent, it’s no coincidence that my greatest artistic director was born in Sanremo, Mario Ragni. Sanremo gave me life, in quotes, because it gave me the chance to reach everyone at a time where there weren’t the communication channels that exist today, where you couldn’t make a record at home and have it reach everyone. everyone. Like today you had to go through an important selection. I absolutely don’t rule out the possibility of returning perhaps in 2097 (laughs, ed.).

Would you like to go to the Sanremo Festival 2025?
I go to Sanremo when I want to let everyone know my opinion, my point of view, a story, a song and I want to tell it to everyone. For now this song and this story don’t exist.

How do you experience the return to the sports halls?
I experience it as an expectation, a curiosity but more than anything as a desire to bring everyone back to those sports halls, that is, to the sports halls of the 90s, when I started. I will absolutely want to find a way to make all those who come breathe a different air again, precisely the air of the 90s. I will do this through small details, small things that together with my production school, we will try to achieve because when you listen to songs that are part of your past, it’s also very nice to find the same smells and the same atmospheres.



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