When you wash your hair, ‘this habit’ is… Which food is good for hair loss?

When washing your hair, do not scratch your scalp with your fingernails and dry it quickly.

Black beans, etc., have a lot of isoflavones, so if you eat them consistently from a young age for a long time, it helps to alleviate the symptoms of hair loss. [사진=클립아트코리아]

These days, ‘worried regarding hair loss’ does not cover age or gender. Hair loss is no longer a problem of a specific age and gender. From difficulties in relationships and work life to psychological problems. If hair loss is severe, it can affect psychological aspects such as low self-esteem. Think once more regarding the hair loss problem.

◆ “3 out of 10 people experience hair loss”… High interest in prevention even if there is no hair loss

A survey result showed that 3 out of 10 people have experienced hair loss symptoms, and even those who have not experienced hair loss are highly interested in prevention. Embrain, a market research specialist, showed this as a result of a hair care and hair loss-related awareness survey targeting 1,000 adult men and women aged 19 to 59 nationwide on March 3-7. The stress caused by hair loss is serious, and the younger generation also has anxiety regarding hair loss, so they answered, “It’s still okay, but I’m interested in prevention methods.”

◆ Fine dust is a daily life these days… Wash your hair in the evening following going out

There is controversy regarding the time of day to wash your hair, but even experts recommend evening time more often. Sleeping with dirt and sebum on your hair all day is not good for your hair health. In particular, heavy metals in fine dust adversely affect not only the lungs but also the head and hair roots. If you wash your hair with shampoo in the morning, the oil is washed away, so if you receive UV rays during the day, you will be more stimulated. If you’re worried regarding the shape of your hair in the morning, it might be better to simply style it with water.

◆ Do not scratch your scalp with your fingernails… dry quickly

Scratching your scalp with your fingernails is not a good idea to clean your hair more thoroughly. On days when I lost a lot of hair, I often scratched my scalp. It is better to refrain from using fingernails and rub the scalp like a massage using the finger prints to wash off contaminants. Even when the scalp is itchy, it is beneficial to press it with your fingertips. It is good to use lukewarm water and dry your hair quickly using a fan or other cool wind following washing.

◆ ‘Minoxidil’ for female hair loss… Can’t make new fur

Applying minoxidil is the only treatment for hair loss in women (Health information from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). There are several drugs available, but they are supplementary nutrients and not therapeutic. Minoxidil helps to lengthen and thicken hair, but it does not create new hair follicles. It is relatively safe even when applied to the skin, but irritation or contact dermatitis may occur in the area where it is applied. Absorption is accelerated when minoxidil is applied with a 0.025% vitamin A solution called tretinoin.

◆ Black beans for hair loss… . Eating consistently over a long period of time helps

Soybeans, tofu, soybean paste, kudzu, and vegetables that our ancestors enjoyed in the past are high in isoflavones, a type of plant female hormone, and have the effect of suppressing 5-reductase and dihydrotestosterone, which are the causes of hair loss (Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-National Academy of Agricultural Sciences). Beans contain a lot of antioxidants that slow down damage and aging of the body, so it helps prevent hair loss, but it takes a long time. It is not desirable to rely entirely on beans and other foods, but if you have genetics, eating black beans from a young age is helpful.



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