when will the second round of voting take place?

LEGISLATIVE DATES. The polling stations have just closed for this first round, but they will be open once more this Sunday, June 19, 2022, during the second round of the legislative elections. The opportunity to know the names of the deputies who will make up the National Assembly.

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[Mis à jour le 12 juin 2022 à 22h11] After this first round, the French are called upon to vote, starting next week, on Sunday June 19, 2022, to choose the candidate who will represent their constituency at theNational Assembly through the second round of legislative elections. A fairly tight schedule, since only a few weeks ago, the presidential election took place. Even if a duel is expected between the alliance of the presidential majority (Ensemble!), with the MoDem and Horizons in particular, grouped around LREM, and the left-wing coalition (Nupes) formed by LFI, the PS, EELV and the PCF , it will also be necessary to take abstention into account. According to several polls carried out a few days before the election, it might reach a new record, between 52 and 56%, beyond the 51.3% of June 11, 2017.

The calendar for these legislative elections is also very tight, with two dates to remember: Sunday June 12 and June 19 in metropolitan France, with two rounds of voting aimed at renewing the 577 deputies sitting in the National Assembly. The dates of these legislative elections are thus closer than those of the election of the President of the Republic in April, since this time, between the 1st and 2nd rounds, only one week will pass and not two. Here is the full election schedule:

May 20 was the deadline for submitting applications for the 1st round

Since Friday May 20, 6 p.m., all legislative candidacies have been registered in the prefectures and it is no longer possible to submit new ones. The Ministry of the Interior lists 6,293 throughout the country. Candidates and substitutes must be at least 18 years old and of French nationality.

27 May – 1 June: online voting for the 1st round among French nationals living abroad

For these legislative elections, French people residing abroad had the possibility of voting by internet. They were also able to go to the polls, but electronic voting was favored by voters living far from polling stations.

The official campaign always opens two weeks before the first round. Since that date, professions of faith have been broadcast on radio and television. Locally, town halls must make poster spaces available to all candidates.

June 4: 1st round in French Polynesia and for French people in the Americas and Caribbean zone

Polynesians are the first to cast their ballot in the ballot box for the first round of legislative elections, which is thus anticipated by eight days in relation to mainland France. French people residing in America and the Caribbean have also voted since that date.

June 5: 1st round for French nationals living abroad outside America and the Caribbean

The first round of voting is also anticipated by a week for French expatriates, it began on June 5 in all regions of the world except America and the Caribbean.

June 10-15: online vote for the 2nd round among French people living abroad

Once once more, the French registered on the consular lists will have the choice between voting online, by correspondence, at the polls or by proxy.

June 11: 1st round in several DROM-COM

Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon will vote one day before the French in mainland France.

Voters will vote by constituency. This is a majority uninominal ballot: each voter will support a candidate (and his alternate). To be elected in the first round, you must collect more than half of the votes cast and at least 25% of the number of registered voters. Otherwise, the two candidates who came first are qualified for a second round, as well as the candidates who obtained the votes of 12.5% ​​of those registered.

June 14: submission of applications for the 2nd round

The interval between the two rounds can see the withdrawal of certain qualified candidates in the 2nd round in favor of better placed candidates, in the case of triangular or quadrangular. Those who remain will therefore have to submit their application once more to the prefecture before June 14 (included).

June 18: 2nd round in the DROM-COM and French Polynesia

Overseas will vote once more one day ahead of mainland France, in constituencies where no candidate will have obtained an absolute majority in the first round.

At the end of this second round, each constituency will have elected its deputy (and its substitute) and we will know the overall composition of the National Assembly.

June 21: end of the mandate of the Assembly elected in 2017

The deputies who currently sit in the National Assembly will see their functions end on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, except for re-election. The new Assembly will take office the next day, June 22, 2022.

28 June: entry of elected deputies into the Assembly

Newly elected or re-elected deputies will sit for the first time in the hemicycle on Tuesday 28 June. They will elect, on that day, the President of the National Assembly.

August 19: deadline for filing campaign accounts



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