When will the aid be paid?

Next Thursday, November 16, the budget execution data will be announced, based on which, according to the relevant information, the creation of additional fiscal space will be certified and thus the way will be opened for the granting of the accuracy check to vulnerable social groups.

The government does not want to proceed with any hasty action without there being a “locked” additional fiscal space, even in anticipation of the imminent evaluation by Fitch on December 1st, which all converge on the assessment that the said international rating agency will also give the investment grade, as reported by www.newmoney.gr.

In this context and under the condition that there will be no adverse development, the government will once again grant the “accuracy check” this year to approximately 1 million taxpayers (low-pensioners, long-term unemployed, families with low incomes, people with disabilities, etc. )

According to the available information, the amount of the allowance will be in the range of 200-250 euros, and will be credited to the accounts of the beneficiaries before the Christmas holidays, while the official announcements are estimated to be made towards the end of the month.

The perimeter of the beneficiaries, who will receive the money, remains to be determined, which will result from the size of the fiscal space.

According to the protothema, last year’s financial assistance primarily concerned pensioners who had incomes only from pensions and who received main and auxiliary up to 800 euros.

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