When will it happen and what is the reason for this historical adjustment

2024-04-26 14:55:28

Earth will have 25-hour days: when will it happen and the reason for this historical adjustment / FP

Have you ever felt like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you want? Good news: A study from the Technical University of Munich (UTM) suggests that we may have 25-hour days in the future.


This forecast is based on the analysis of the gradual decrease in the rotation of the planet, that is, the movement of the Earth every 24 hours, responsible for days and nights, a phenomenon that has been the subject of study for years.

According to scientists, the Earth has experienced a decrease in its rotation throughout history, a process driven by various factors such as the Moon’s gravitational influence, friction of ocean water and atmospheric circulation.

These changes, although imperceptible to us on a daily basis, have left their mark on the geological history of the planet. 1.4 billion years ago, an Earth day lasted barely 18 hours and 41 minutes, while in the age of the dinosaurs it lasted 23 hours.

The UTM study, which has managed to measure the Earth’s rotation speed with unprecedented precision, was based on data collected using an optical ring laser interferometer, an advanced tool that makes it possible to detect variations in the Earth’s rotation speed with a resolution of a few milliseconds.

The results indicate that the Earth’s rotation speed is gradually decreasing at a rate of about 1.7 milliseconds per century. This phenomenon, mainly attributed to factors such as tidal friction and seismic activity, can cause the Earth’s day to be extended to 25 hours.

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