“When they killed Marisela Escobedo they did nothing,” a woman responds to Maru Campos’ criticism of feminist marches

Weeks following the march for the International Women’s Day, a cleaning crew showed up at the Government Palace of Chihuahua to erase the shortcut that women did to demand Justice and a halt to violence in that entity. The governor of that state, Maria Eugenia Campos Galvantook advantage of the moment to question one of the young women who cleaned the shortcut regarding how she felt regarding it, however, his answer was not what she expected.

© Fifth Estate
“When they killed Marisela Escobedo they did nothing,” a woman responds to Maru Campos’ criticism of feminist marches

The mandatory sat on the steps of the government palace to dialogue with one of the young women who cleaned the sentences of the women feminists that they painted on the building to demand a stop to the femicides. Maria Eugenia Campos questioned her regarding her feelings, being a woman, being Cleaning the walls of Palacio.

“What do you feel, that you are a woman, regarding the protests, that it is very legitimate for them to make these protests, but then what is your turn to clean up?” she asked.

In the face of questioning, young man from cleaning He assured that although he felt ugly, it did not bother him because “when they killed Marisela Escobedo here, it was peaceful and they did nothing.”

However, the governor disqualified the shortcut made in the propertyand assured that it is good that protest women but should not leave a “dump”.

“Let them protest, but without leaving us this dump, peacefully,” he said.

Maru Campos talked for regarding 10 minutes with the women in charge of clean up, and regretted that the demonstration left various damages in the enclosure. In addition, it was pronounced because the marches are carried out in a peacefulwithout the need of to damage the enclosures.

How was the murder of Marisela Escobedo?

It should be remembered that on December 16, 2010, while the activist Marisela Escobedo Ortiz participated in a peaceful protest outside the offices of the then governor of Chihuahua, Cesar Duartea group of armed men arrived at the scene and shot him in the head. Marisela Escobedo maintained a sit-in to demand Justice for him femicide of his minor daughter Rubí. After Shootingwas transferred to a hospital, however died hours following he received medical attention.



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