“When the time comes, I will decide”

Soccer matches, commercial agreements, meetings with businessmen, tourist promotion announcements: Daniel Scioli’s last week was a portrait of part of his management as Argentine ambassador in Brazil. After the reconnection between Argentina and the State led once more by Lula da Silva, the role of the former governor of Buenos Aires grew. He does not get out of a possible candidacy to contest the 2023 elections within the Frente de Todos, with the electoral calendar already defined.

«When the time comes, I will decide and talk regarding it, with my space and with the people, to whom I listen more and more.. I was always available, I always am, in a different way. This from Brazil allowed me to update and renew myself,” Scioli said.

In this sense, he referred to how to cope with his diplomatic function together with a possible electoral campaign, alluding that “People already know me, I don’t need to do a lot of campaigning. I will not be indifferent to you, I will assume responsibilities.

The ambassador analyzed his electoral role within the pro-government coalition, assuring that «I will be there, like 20 years ago, for whatever is needed. Every time they summoned me, I did it, I was around the country. Today I see myself concretizing each one of the issues entrusted to me, the first goal was to rebuild the relationship with a key country like Brazil. And we achieved all the goals.” He also stressed that maintains a relationship with Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: “When necessary, we talk”.

Within the Frente de Todos, one of the biggest repercussions caused by CELAC had to do with the meetings held by the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva, with leaders outside the summit’s agenda. In this regard, Scioli indicated that “I don’t know why Lula and Cristina didn’t see each other. I was focused on this key meeting between two great countries. That will be for another time; That meeting will take place at the right time.”.

Interviewed by Radio Con Vos, he also left his impressions on the last year of Alberto Fernández’s mandate: «The President is a man with greatness, patience and a high sense of responsibility. He knows how to listen, he knows how to find the moments so that if something becomes tense it doesn’t break. In the framework of this dialogue, he expressed his opinion on how to generate consensus within the coalition: «I see well the Political Table. It is something that the opposition does and shows it, as they did in Villa La Angostura. We have to keep moving forward and give definitions to people.


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